All That God Does is Perfect


All that God does is perfect, for no one defeats His generosity and when all appears lost, He gives a sense of what direction to follow.

On a typical day of work, a scorching sun over 86 degrees, we left for the day’s recording, the theme is beach volleyball for children. We arrive in a hot place, Forte do Leme and we were surprised to be directed to an indoor track? . . .  I imagine your reaction if your situation was similar to ours. How do we record beach volleyball on an indoor track. A mixture of information shared with divine providence for the children were on the track doing other activities and only at the end of the afternoon did they do the activities on the beach and only then could we record.


We informed the newsroom of the situation and prepared ourselves to remain in place until the time for the activities on the beach and then record. Meanwhile we waited, we were surprised by an official of the army who knows Cançao Nova. After identifying himself, he began to tell a little of his military story, where he met Father Wagner Ferreira, in charge of formation for the Cançao Nova Community, who also attended the AMAN [Military Academy of Agujas Negras]. Among his experiences he told us that he was led to return his life with God and consequently, restore his family. All began in a retreat in Carnaval, that he attended in Amazonas with, then, Seminarian Arlon (Now Fr. Arlon) from the Cançao Nova and he began to bring to fruition his choices.



We remained certain that what God does is good and perfect! We began to reflect on the action of providence that presented itself open itself step by step in the middle of the situation and we shared the actions, we were experiencing, including the confirmation  that truly the Lord has control of all things. For an instant we saw without understanding, but later we experienced the supernatural action that surrounded Cançao Nova and could exclaim “All that God does is good and perfect!”

There  we programmed all, except for encountering someone that without realizing it was an instrument of a visit from God. We took the time to share and reflect that the most busy may notice nothing, on  the contrary, all is prime material for what God is going to realize in the life of His children. 

Do you believe that it is over? The hour arrived for us to record beach volleyball with the children as we had planned already we were thinking as it would be the recording of the reporter and we would do interview leaving for the end the images that we would use to illustrate the material.. But the divine program was different. As we were on the Leme beach, we could see rain arriving along the coast. 

And the recording? It waited or the next opportunity! For the day was reserved by God in order that we may live the experience of His providence, that He would drive us to the encounter with the supernatural God, whom we in Canção Nova, are fragile instruments. 

Therefore, do not despair when all seems lost, trust and embrace the experience with providence, that is the manifestation of the God’s care for us. For as St. Paul teaches in is letters, we need to give thanks to God for all and afterwards examine the acts that remain with what is good. 

Alex Silva

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