We Bring the Paralyzed in order that the Lord May Touch Them, in order that the Lord May Take Immobility From Them.

“When He saw the faith of those men, Jesus said to the paralytic: “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 2:5)

Jan Luyken's Jesus 2. The Paralytic Lowered through the Roof. Phillip Medhurst CollectionA great multitude congregates around Jesus to hear the Word of god, and, at the same time, in which this multitude wants to hear the Lord, some bring a paralytic carried by our men, in order that he (the paralytic) can arrive at the Lord…

I want to call your attention to some things. The first of them is the paralysis of this man. we don’t know what its origin is that left him paralyzed. But you know that the paralyzed person cannot walk on his own legs. Diverse causes bring a person to remain paralyzed, but I will speak of the most profound of them, but I will speak of the most profound of them, the way sin paralyzes our life. immobilizes our steps, paralyzes our heart, our will, our disposition to love, of doing the good, of forgiving and of seeking God. 


We do not have the notion of how sin is harmful, of how much it really leaves us paralyzed. And at times, we do not have the strength to seek God, we do not have the strength to arrive to Him. How many person even need and want to to draw close to God our seek some way to resolve their lives, because they are living under a true shadow of the faith, in the spiritual life and in the person life. And the other things of our life begin to scramble, mixture and to remain confused when the paralysis begins to take hold of the life of people.

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I want to call attention to these four men that were brave and brought this paralytic to Jesus. Persons exist that serve to bring the others to the disco, the bar, they serve to bring this to that road; but, today, we need people to bring the “paralytic” to Jesus. Those that cannot walk. How important are our meetings, our bible circles, rosaries, to go to encounter these persons! And here I am not referring only to those who want to be part of the Church or follow the Lord, but so many that are paralyzed in the midst of us, that need to know the power of God to bring them in prostration to encounter Him.

You and I need to be these leaders, first leaving from our own paralysis, for whomever is stopped cannot continue going forward and once we free ourselves, once that the grace of God purifies us and pardons us of our sins, we bring the “paralyzed” in order that the Lord may touch them, in order that the Lord may lift them form the immobility in which they find themselves.

That God may bless you!

Fr. Roger Araujo

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