A Miracle that Makes a Part of our Day

In our family life it is repeated, continually, the miracle of the multiplication of breads. In general, when we arrive at the house, after a day of service, we are without strength, for already we have given all that we have to give. All are quite in need of us, but we do not have anymore to give. We do not have strength. How do we live in the family in this hour? 

jonas_2010The first tendency is to fall on our hands and to day: “I cannot give, it is not possible.” Then we isolate ourselves, we remain in our room or we absent ourselves. 

All of us are always faced with this temptation. But thanks to God, the experience already proves to us that through the fact of us being in community, without having to give, almost without strength to communicate, but joined, side by side, the miracle renews itself. The Lord takes what is left over and in His hands, from almost nothing, is multiplied. And all of us receive, all of us are fed, we are restored and revitalized. 

This miracle is already part of our day by day. We run the risk of not perceiving it anymore, but it happens, because, over all, we dare to live in community. 

God bless you
Monsignor Jonas Abib

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