Where Are We Most Secure?

We look today at the things of God, because all the rest will pass away, but what comes from the Lord will remain forever.
The will of the All powerful is a safe door for us, therefore, we should anchor each moment; our total life in it; there we will remain secure. We live in an instant world where everything changes and passes quite rapidly. We need to have the wisdom of not remaining with a heart attached to the merely temporary things. We must make good use of them, but not remain prisoner to them.

We seek the only essential thing for our life and that which will never pass away, because the essential is the eternal: Jesus Christ Our Lord.

We pray with the psalmist: “To the Lord we ask only one thing, and it is only this that I desire: to live in the house of the Lord for all my life; savoring the gentleness of the Lord and contemplating it in His temple” (Ps 27:4)

Lord, teach us to seek the good things that do not pass!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese