May We Receive A Visit From the Lord

visit from JesusWhen God visits us, our life does not have more as itself. We are visited in various ways by the Lord, but, independent of the nature of His arrival, He always wants to speak with us. We need to strain ourselves to understand what He wants to say.

Many times, the Lord visits us in a way that is so discrete we do not perceive it, because we have a pre-conceived model of how we would like to be vistied by Him. We are so closed and inflexible, that we do not allow God to be God in our life.

Come, today, open your heart to the presence of the Lord.

We pray with the Psalmist: “Lord, in the morning you will hear my voice;
in the morning I will plead before you and wait” (Ps 5:4 NAB)

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

Translated from Portuguese