On Top of the Wall

There was a great wall separating two large groups.
An indecisive youth was standing on the wall looking down upon the two groups.

On one side of the wall was God, the angels and the legions of servants of God. On the other side of the wall was Satan, his demons and all the humans that do not serve God.

The indecisive youth observed that the group on the side of God called and screamed, without stopping for him to join them.
-“Hey come down from the wall now . . .Come here!”

Satan’s group did not shout and said nothing. This situation continued for a time until the indecisive youth resolved to ask Satan
-“The group on the side of God spends all their time calling me to descend on their side. Why does your group not call me and why does the group do nothing to convince me to descend to your side?”

He was greatly surprised when Satan responded:
-“That is because the wall is MINE!”

Do not be mistaken!
There does not exist the “in between” way.
The middle already has an owner.

St. Andrew School of Evangelizers

Translated from Portuguese