Do Not Remain in Sin

Whenever we keep sin for us and remain brooding over the feeling of guilt, giving justification and not making the decision to confess to the Lord, the sin will continue in us. In this way, the truth is not in us. 
The Lord forgives us, because he makes part of our existence from Him to be Love, mercy and forgiveness. And exactly for this reason, it is only we when we draw near to him that these virtues begin to happen in our lives. 
Put your sin and its feeling of guilt in the fire of love and God’s mercy! At times, we are fools and we do not pardon ourselves even after we have been pardoned. We remain feeling dirty with the rest of sin and this dirtiness remains clinging to us, while our God is love and mercy. 
Do not walk any more in this dirtiness! Wash all, throw all dirtiness and all the rest of sin that remain in you, by confessing it and by truly repenting. 

God bless you,

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of Canção Nova

Portuguese Version