Pope Francis: Salvation Is a Gift Received with a Humble Heart

In the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Francis spoke of the necessity of having a humble heart to draw near to God and to receive salvation. 

From the Canção Nova Newsroom with Vatican Radio

Salvação é dom para se receber com coração humilde, diz Papa

The Lord is on the road with us to soften our heart, Pope Francis affirmed during mass on Tuesday March 25 in the Casa Santa Marta. On the Solemnity of the Annunciation, the Holy Father stressed the only with a humble heart as Mary had can one draw close to God. Salvation, then, is not bought or sold: it is a gift.

Where does pride of heart take us? Pope Francis developed his homily concentrating on Adam and Eve that ceding to the seduction of Satan, they believed being like God. That “sufficient pride” was so that they fled Paradise. But God did not leave them on the road alone, he made a promise of redemption to them. 

“The Lord accompanied humanity in this long road. He made a people. He was with them. And that road that began with disobedience ends with obedience,” said the Pope, referring to Mary who gave her ‘yes’ to God.

Francis explained that God walked with His people with such tenderness to soften the heart of humanity, the end of which is humanity receives the promise God made in Paradise. through a man sin entered the world, through another man came salvation. This road was so long, according to the Pope, he helped man to have a more human heart, but close to God, not so prideful, not so sufficient. Today, the liturgy speaks of obedience, of docility to the Word of God. 

“Salvation is not bought, it is not sold; it is a  gift. It is free. we cannot save ourselves by ourselves, salvation is a present, it is totally free . . . To enter into us this salvation asks only a humble heart, a docile heart, an obedient heart like that of Mary.”

The Holy Father emphasized the road of humility, which simply means to say: “I am man, I am woman and the Lord is God,” and to follow daily in the  presence of God. 

Look to the icon of Eve and Adam, we look to the icon of Mary and Jesus, we look to the road of history with God who walks with His people. And we say: ‘Thank you, Lord, because today, You say to us that you give us salvation.’ Today is a day to give thanks to the Lord.” 

Portuguese Version