Do Not Allow Discord to Sow Division In Your Life

“Every kingdom divided against itself will be destroyed; and will fall one house on top of the other.” (cf Luke 11:17)

Devil Goat

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The Word of God gives us the condition to see the action of the demon in our midst; better still; the action of the devil, he is the “diabolus”, the one who divides, separates, the one that is not in favor of unity and stability. He divides the Kingdom of God, separating himself from the angels who did the will of the Lord; the mission of the devil in the world is just this: to launch division and separation.

We live in a world divided by inequality, we live in a world divided by geographic limits, policies and by so many other things. But the grand division is not, the grand division is that which is in the foundation of the human heart, fruit of pride and self-sufficiency. In fact, many times the human being believes that he is better than the other, that he is more important than the other and he can do more than the other. 

Division brings us to accuse each other, putting guilt upon this one or that one and, then, we are no able to work conciliation and reconciliation. It is enough to see division in our houses and families; I am not speaking of differing ways and diversities of opinion and of expression of life those are healthy and marvelous things, for in the same house, one can think one way and another can think in another way; the husband can see things one way and the wife the other, this is not the division to which I am referring. 

Division [caused by evil] is when one is put against the other, when one is no longer capable of living with the other; when we are not able to support differences, because we want the world on our path, in our way, in our manner of thinking. We, many times, are used for even and we use evil to sow separation and division in our midst. 

Division, many times tries to reign in the Church, in the house of God, through groups and leaders that, many times, are in front of our Church. And already we see many things of God that end, that are destroyed, not because God wanted this, but because  of division and human disunity. Already we see this evil in our houses, in our families, therefore, in this favorable time, that is the season of Lent, we need to ask forgiveness to God for all the times in which we allow ourselves to be led by the spirit of division, by the spirit of discord and for all the times that we are led by this same spirit to sow discord, division and separation in the Kingdom of God and among brothers and sisters. 

May God Bless You,

Fr. Roger Araujo

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