It Is Necessary to Have Believe and to Believe that Jesus Is Acting Through Us!

Jovens SaradosWe will be questioned if we are the Church or if we are not, therefore, our faith in that which Jesus can do for us will be the thing most providential that we may see the hand of God acting. 

“The servant of the king said: “Lord go before my son dies! Jesus said to him: ‘You can go, your son is alive.’ ” (John 4:49)


In this narration of the Gospel, Jesus returns to Galilee and there He is received with much enthusiasm but the enthusiam of those persons is because they want to see the miracles and the signs of Jesus, many times, much more than through the faith and confidence in the person of the Master

He returns to Cana of Galillee, where he performs His first miraclre: the transformation of water into wine. People are reminded of that prodigious moment of that place, therefore, the servant of the king draws near to the Lord and asks Him: “My son is sick, do something for him.” The servant of that king knows that the Messiah can heal his sick son, he knows that the Lord can do something for his sick son. Obviously, Jesus questions his enthusiams, as the enthusiams of those persons: “Because if you do not see signs and wonders, you are not going to believe.”

The servant of the king falls to his knees and implores with much insistence: “Please, Lord, go there before my son dies.” Many times you do not need to be a person of the Church to have a certainty that many things only God can do for you, for your house and for your children. And in the hour in which we implore God that he may do something in our favor, we will be questioned if we are the Church or not, therefore, our faith in that which Jesus can do for  us will be thing most providential in order for us to see the hand of God acting. 

Today, I want to unite with so many fathers and mothers that suffer with their sick children that are many times lost in the world of drugs and of alcohol. Parents that do not know what to do with disoriented children, many times they are rebellious and undisciplined. Have confidence father, have confidence mother, as this servant of the king who implored the Lord Jesus: “Jesus, do something for my son, do something for my daughter, before he or she dies.” The words of Jesus for the servant will be the same for you: 

Truly ask Jesus to bring life to your children, for  our youth, boys and girls that many times are succumbing in the midst of the darkness of this world and there is no one who can do anything for them. We need to implore Jesus that He may have mercy on us, in order that the Light of the Lord, the healing of the Lord and the blessing of the Lord may come to help of us. 

God bless you!

Fr. Roger Araujo

Portuguese Version