The Secret is to Live Sincerely.

Greek mask at KayakoyThe word “sincere”  comes from “sem cera”. The ancient Greeks and Romans did theatre similar to modern theatre: a person ended up doing many characters. They brought characters only by bringing masks that were made of wax.

“Sem cera” is to day, without a mask, without representation. We cannot be actors before God, we need to be sincere! We have to be true before the Lord, even before our weaknesses. St. Paul tells this in a beautiful way:

“Therefore, I delight in weakness, in insults, in constraints, in persecutions and in anguish for Christ! For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (II Cor 12:10)

God is strong in you, therefore, He makes you strong. Do not be afraid of being sincere before the Lord, of confessing to Him your most secret sins. Do not be afraid that you have sinned but be afraid of not being sincere before God. 

Your brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Portuguese Version