Pope Warns of Dictatorship of One Thought

In the homily, the Holy Father stressed that the dictatorship of one thought kills the freedom of the people, closes and hearts to the message of God. 

from the Canção Nova newsroom with Vatican Radio

Pensamento único mata a liberdade dos povos, diz Papa

In the mass, Wednesday, Pope Francis spoke of the “dictatorship” of the one thought. According to the Holy Father, this is a problematic reality still today that kills freedom of the people and of consciences being necessary to pray and to be vigilitant.

God promises Abraham that he will be the father of many nations, but he and his descendants will have to observe the covenant with God. The Pope’s homily starting with the first reading of the day to explain the closing of the pharisees to the message of Jesus. Their error, according to Pope Francis, was to think that all is resolved with the observance of the commandments, but these are not a frozen law, but are indications to help us not to error on the road to encounter Christ. 

According to Francis, this closing of the mind and of the heart does not give a place for God, only to one’s own thinking. This impossibility welcomes the message of the newness brought by Jesus. It is treated as a thought that is not open to dialog, to possibility of what God speaks and says as is His way. 

“These people had not listened to the prophets and were not listening to Jesus. It is something more than a simple stubborness, it is the idolatry of one’s own thought. “I think this, this is they way it should be and nothing more.’ These poeple have one thought and want to impose it on the people of God, therefore, Jesus rebukes them.”

The Pope stressed that in the pass century, the dictatorship of one thought killed many peole and still today there exists this idolatry. It is the same thing that happened previously: they threw stones to stone the freedom  of the people, of conscience, of people’s relations with God and, Jesus is crucified again. 

The exhortation of the Lord before this dictatorship is the same as always, watch and pray, not to be a fool, not to buy things that do not serve, and to be humble, praying that the Lord always gives to us the freedom of an open heart to receive His Word, that is promise, joy and covenant! It is with this covenant that we continue daily.” 

Portuguese Version