Wednesday of Holy Week

On Wednesday of Holy Week, in many communities, Christians participate in the Procession of the Encounter and of the Last Seven Words. 
The Procession of the Encounter narrates the encounter of Our Lady of Sorrows and the Lord marking the excerpt in the Bible in which Mary faces her Son carrying the cross on the road to Calvary. The images are of men and women who are divided: on one side the men carry the image of Our Lord and on the other Women bring the image of the Virgin of Sorrows. In the moment of the encounter between the two images, the priest does the meditation of the Last Seven Words, being the last teachings left by Jesus before his Death.
With the beginning of the Easter Triduum, that is understood as Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, the Christians are invited to experience an environment of prayer and meditation making the memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Holy Thursday, traditionally known by the faith as the Mass of Washing of the Feet, remembers the moment in which Jesus meets with his disciples for the Last Supper. This ceremony marks the institution of the Sacerdotal Ministry and the Institution of the Eucharist, the moment in which Jesus transforms the bread and the wine into His Body and Blood.“The the celebration of the Eucharist can ignite the heart of love for Jesus. The Eucharist is service and giving, and celebrating this mystery the Passion of Our Lord is actualized as is ours That bring this night you open the heart and yours ears: ‘This is my body, this is my blood’ in order that this love may be revived in our heart through the holy Eucharist,” invites Fr. Roger Luis, Missionary for the Canção Nova Community.
The faithful should leave the celebration in Silence, for all the manifestations of joy and the feast are ended until the Easter Vigil. The stripping of the altar happens, when all the altar clothes are removed and the images and crosses are covered as a sign of respect for the suffering of Jesus dispossessing us of all that symbolizes joy.