Do not fear, believe in the Lord Jesus!

prayerWhat anguish do you carry in your heart? What weight do you carry in your soul? What worry or burden accompanies you? Is it something yours, personal? Is it your marriage, your loved one? Work? It is a dear person? Your son? Your daughter? You husband? Your wife? Your parents? What is your problem? Is it a vice? You are in a situation of conflict? Remember: all has a solution in Jesus!
Like blowing on the embers in a hearth revive them, O Lord, as the wind of His Holy Spirit revives our faith. Believe in this!

Perhaps your problem maybe taking that which may be the solution, therefore you are discouraged. Perhaps thinking: “This does not have a solution. I just asked, I prayed to the Lord, already others prayed for me, but the solution does not come.” Perhaps you have crossed your arms in desperation. But look: When you pray close to the Lord, when you go to that one whom you need, the curing power of Jesus, the power of forgiveness and of reconciliation of Christ that touches and takes away your whole sensation of unworthiness. When we look to the Lord, He brings us peace. 

Allow the Lord to come and invade your life.

Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova

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