Justice Is Revealed In St. Joseph

St. Joseph is a humble and righteous man. In the first moment of our preaching this morning, we meditate on the humility of St. Joseph and bring this before Jesus.

“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith” (St. Paul to the Romans 1.17).One of the features of St. Joseph is justice. And in the world, people end up mistaking and comparing the righteousness of God with men. What is God’s justice? Why the Church proclaims St. Joseph most chaste and fair? We, in our righteousness, the righteousness of men compared with God. Chastity also means justice of St. Joseph, being chaste he becomes a righteous man. Thus all the features that we see in St Joseph make a righteous man.

The word “fair,” within the biblical concept goes far beyond human projection. It has a much greater significance than we realize. The righteous man, in the Bible, means not only a righteous, pure and chaste man, but a holy man. Holiness was containing the heart of that man from his obedience. St. Joseph was allowed to be consumed by holiness.

When we celebrate St. Joseph and into the life of St. Joseph, entered the mystique of the Holy Spirit of God. Now we enter a deeper dimension, because in a few places the Bible speaks of holiness. Where holiness is no longer spoken or lived, we must find it [holiness] in St Joseph, imitating him in the way he is. Saints We need men! Young Saints! Not more talk of holiness or of chastity. I believe that a youth is fair when you have the courage to live chastity in their courtship, when he has the courage to leave his love to meet the love of God.

Today talk of holiness became taboo. Often, being a good parent and being a young man who seeks holiness becomes a scandal because no one speaks more to seek holiness. Unfortunately, many hearts are filled with scruples when it comes to live holiness. Fairness is not pleasing men, but God’s heart. Be a man in God’s design. Often men do not seek holiness because they want to please men more than to please God! Men, do not be afraid to be saints! The world lacks holiness!

What is it a life of holiness? A similar life of St. Joseph? What comes to be a true radicalism God? What are the external warning signs? Does what defines the Christian person are just the outward signs? An exterior or interior holiness? Holiness goes far beyond appearances! In Scripture there is no word from St. Joseph.His cry was the silence that said everything, he said nothing, but he lived. St. Joseph spent his life worshiping God. Assumed the paternity of Jesus, becoming a slave to the will of the Father for love and surrender to Him St. Joseph, who, being the son, had to be a father. St. Joseph consumed his life in holiness beside Mary. St Joseph, hardworking man. Man who chose to love.

Until the age of twelve the boy Jesus grew in holiness and was obedient to his parents. God became submissive to Saint Joseph and Mary.

“We need holy men!” Urged Father Sergio Farias
Photo: Natalino Ueda / Photos: New Song

How you do to become a saint? Holiness contains a feature. We can mention here of St. Catherine, St. Therese of the Child Jesus and Padre Pio What was in them that led them to have radical hearts? I wonder what happened in the heart of St. Joseph which led him to spend his life? That holiness is such that the person “vanishes” every day to do the will of the Lord? What do these saints have in common?What’s in communion between them that makes them so radical in living the Gospel? Those seeking holiness can not sit still! What makes these hearts? What moves a heart to continue when their humanity, their meat either reluctant against the love of God? It is love. Holiness flows from a supply of love! Not only feeling. What moved St. Joseph was not sentimentality; he was not moved by emotions! What moved him was love felt, not feeling of love.

St. Joseph was directed by a decision. What is your decision today? “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything suits me. Everything is permissible, but not everything builds up” (I Corinthians 10.23).

The biggest problem with people is they seek God by emotion and not by the decision. But when a person says, “Today I decide for God. As of today I do not want to live in adultery “, the decision shall enter into her heart and make her have a different attitude. God wants to change your life today! As St. Joseph decided to live holiness, he decided for holiness every moment.

God does not want you to change! God wants to mold you! The Lord wants to transform your life! If you want and God wants, who can hinder him? Today we need to make the decision for holiness! And to be able to live the grace of holiness give just the first step! May the Lord give us the temperance of St. Joseph! Canção Nova in there a song that says: “Or saints or nothing.” And I tell you: Or saints or holy But after he had considered this, an angel appeared to him in a dream the Lord and said, “Joseph son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, because what this was generated from the Holy Spirit (cf Matthew 1:20).

I have to tell you that God loves you! He did not give up on you! By the intercession of St. Joseph all men will be reached!

Father Sergio Farias


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