Every Affliction Is Insignificant Next to the Glory of God

There’s a reason we do not give in to discouragement here on earth. If we have God with us, we need not be discouraged, for He is our strength.

Our nature is fragile. There are days that we do superactions, victories and learn new things, but there are days we feel weak, we missed trying to hit the target. But even with that feeling of weakness, we do not lose heart, because Jesus, who raises us and forgives us, renews our strength through the Holy Spirit to understand that life is made of battles and blunders, but is also a constant “Rise-up”.

We need not be discourage us with the tribulations of everyday life, for the Lord is our strength. Even if our physical aging and even in ruin, we need not fear for united to God, the heart is renewed every day.

This is a contradiction to this world. Many who walk without God do not understand how a person renews himself as he ages. But it’s true! If we allow the Holy Spirit to renew our hearts, the Father, in His infinite love, to compensate for the sorrows of this life, transforms the tribulations into benefits for us.He did not cut our way but converts them into an instrument of edification to be better people.

That Word reveals to us a rich treasure. It says all the tribulation is momentary, and as always comes to an end, and is insignificant next to all that God does in our lives. So we have no reason to fear, but we enjoy these moments and take advantage of them.

It is foolishness to say that suffering is insignificant; it is not. If you walk without God, your trouble really becomes a monster because you follow without motivation, direction and strength to fight against it. Now, when you take suffering and compare it with what it offers you before the Lord, you realize that it is small compared to what you can improve. You can clean your life, take away all that is superfluous and say: “Blessed be God who made me wake up to life with this suffering.”

And that’s not all! The tribulation also produces in us patience, hope and humility. It makes us persevere to overcome moments of crisis, it is not easy to go through them. When we walk in pain, it seems that it will never end, but eventually it does. After times passes this time, what remains is the growth, the experiences, the people with mercy, love for those who wish us well who’ve been on our side during this time.

Everything we do here in this life, will determine our eternal life. If we unite ourselves to God and stand firm, we build true eternity. The Word says: “For our momentary affliction is mild compared to the extraordinary weight of eternal glory that it prepares us. Do not seek things visible because they last only a moment, but the invisible,  as they last forever. ” 

All that is visible is fleeting. The body you have today, for example, is fleeting; 10 years from now, it will not be that way anymore. However, the things you do not see are eternal. The love of a mother for a child, you do not see. You know it is eternal, it is shown by gestures of affection, but you do not see it.

So it is with patience, with perseverance, with faith in God, with courage. Are things not seen, but that in Jesus, we seek to reach eternity.

The Pope speaks of two ways that we can find the Lord through the Word and the Eucharist, as the two make us always walk over to God. Thus, He renews our life day after day.

If anyone is in Christ, he becomes a new creature. Their old stuff is left behind and everything in it begins to be new. Though life be the same after Jesus becomes part of it, the person becomes completely different, because start to enjoy on its own decision, this insignificant moment of trouble, and then receive eternal glory in the Lord.

Every day, you are free to choose to walk toward the things that go or not to go. At this time, what makes you suffer is not deciding where to go, but about what you will have to let go this route pair.

Every choice requires a waiver, and to follow the life of the Holy Spirit, you will have to leave the life of the flesh. This decision has positive consequences; for if you mortify the deeds of the flesh will have eternal life.

To give us life, our Lord Jesus Christ be mortified. He told us that there is more joy in giving than in receiving and that is good for our life, but for this we have to say ‘no’ to ourselves, to die so that others may have life.

See: to be of God is to spend one’s life with what the Holy Spirit wants to do for the salvation of all through us. When we decided to spend our life to do good to one another, the very Spirit frees all His strength in our hearts and tells us: “You can even get bored, but inside you will be a life that will spill over into eternal life. ”

You lose to win, die to live. As the Lord says. “Whoever loses his life for my sake will gain eternal life” Amen

Márcio Mendes 

Member of Canção Nova Community.

Portuguese Version