The prophecies made by Our Lady of Good Success, in the sixteenth century, about our time, remained forgotten for a long time, as she herself prophesied. The Virgin Mary appeared to the Servant of God Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, little known, Spanish nun, for the first time on February 2, 1594, in Quito, Ecuador.
Although unknown to the general public, the religious’ body remains incorrupt today. She lived her vocation in an extraordinary way. Mother Mariana had a mystical and hidden life, Our Lady revealed events that would rock the structures of the Church and society from the nineteenth century.
The Blessed Virgin predicted the devaluation of the sacrament of marriage and family corruption: “As for the Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, it will be attacked and profaned in every sense of the word.” Iniquitous laws will be imposed in order to extinguish this sacrament, facilitating all to live in an evil marriage, spreading generating children without the blessing of the Church. The Christian spirit will decay quickly. The precious light of faith will be quenched until reaching an almost total and general corruption of customs. “Still more, the effects of secular education will be a reason for the scarcity of priestly and religious vocations.” . . .
Our Lady of Good Success also predicted the devaluation and the persecution of priests: “The holy sacrament of priestly orders will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised, because of the sacrament, [the demon] will oppresses and pollute the Church of God and God Himself, represented in His priests. The devil will seek to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every way and will work with cruel and subtle astuteness to deviate them from the spirit of their vocation, corrupting many. “This will offend the Christian people, it will make all to fall upon priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the Roman Catholic Church. This apparent triumph of Satan to attract enormous good shepherds of the Church and the great majority of good priests and the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth will encounter suffering. The Holy Father will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of God for light, holiness and perfection for all the clergy.
The Virgin Mary prophesied, for our century, the carelessness and neglect of the sacrament of anointing of the sick: “Many people will die without receiving it – either through carelessness of families, either by a misunderstanding of its affect for their sick, others also will go against the spirit of the Catholic Church, impelled by the cursed devil – depriving souls of innumerable graces, consolations and strength, to give them the great leap from time to eternity. ”
The Mother Church also predicted the spread of heresies and that, “with the domain of them -the precious light of faith will go out in souls, the almost total corruption of customs. During this period, there will be great physical and moral, public and private calamities. ” In these unhappy times, unbridled luxury will conquer innumerable frivolous souls and lose. “Almost you not find innocence in children nor modesty in women, and in this supreme need of the Church, those will be silent who once competed for time to speak.” In those days, the atmosphere is saturated with the spirit of impurity, which will run filthy streets, squares and public places with astonishing freedom.”Almost there will be no virgin souls in the world. The delicate flower of virginity, shy and threatened with total destruction,… Take refuge in the cloisters, find suitable land to grow, develop and live with her scent and charm for my Son and the Holy-rays of divine wrath. The lack of virginity will require a need to cleanse this land, with fire from heaven. “
The Virgin Mary predicted that, in our century, the lack of interest of the rich and the indifference of the people of God will cause great harm. By carelessness and neglect, the holders of great wealth will watch with indifference the oppression of the Church, persecuted virtue, triumphant evil without Holy use of riches in the destruction of evil and the restoration of faith. The indifference of the people will make them gradually erase the name of God in their hearts, “adhering to the spirit of evil, indulging freely in vices and passions.”
Amid the difficulties of these hard times, prophesied to the Church and to the world, Our Lady speaks of the importance of religious communities: “the religious communities will remain to sustain the church and work with valiant and selfless commitment to the salvation of souls, because in that period, the observance of the rule will shine in the communities, there will be holy ministers of the altar, hidden and beautiful souls, in which my son and I delight to Blessed considering the excellent flowers and fruits of heroic sanctity. ” Against them, wickedness will last war by showering them with slanders, calumnies and vexations to prevent them to fulfill their ministry. But these holy ministers, the strong columns, will remain steadfast. They will face everything with “a spirit of humility and sacrifice that will be coated by virtue of the infinite merits of my Blessed Son, who loves them as the most delicate fibers of His most holy and most tender heart.”
These prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success depict the state of things, heresy, impiety and impurity present in our time. But aside from these and other revelations, the Virgin promised her help and protection for those people who propagate devotion to her under the title of Our Lady of Good Success. So we spread this devotion, which was long forgotten, but which, in our time, may become better known and her message very current.
We entrust to Our Lady of Good Success our prayers for the families, especially the children, by priests and religious, by governments, by persons holding power. So there is the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, also prophesied by her, we need to unite the Virgin Mother of God with our prayers, fasts, penances, repairs, as she asked in her appearances.
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us!
Natalino Ueda
Canção Nova missionary since 2005 studied philosophy and theology, operates in portal as content producer is the author of the blog / tododemaria