Lord, take me to deep waters

(This is part of the annual Pentecost Retreat given at Canção Nova in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil.–ed.)

Father Roger
Photo: Natalino Ueda

We are celebrating today the expectation of renewing the grace of Pentecost in order that the Holy Spirit may bring us the revival we need in the heart.

The Gospel begins by telling us that this is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. What happened at the liturgical feast? What did the Jews bring to mind during that time? It was a great celebration of the wilderness wanderings.The people remembered after 40 years of life that the Lord has given to His people when they crossed the desert in search of the Promised Land.

Today, we have a desert again, but also an oasis that God gave us as prayer groups, movements that the Holy Spirit raised in the Church and cenacle communities like Canção Nova. God wants to show us that even when we passed through the desert, He is with us and sustains us.

In Latin, “tent” is called the “tabernacle.” Fragility in the tent, they were unsure of God’s protection.

“Do not let me perish with sinners and those who do iniquity, who say words of peace, but keep the evil at heart. Treat them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their crimes. I returned them after the work of their hands; Give them what they deserve, because actions do not meet the Lord or the works of your hands. He slaughters them and not raise them. “(Psalm 27)

We must be humble, we can not think that we are powerful. This word is a call to humility. In Sacred Text, the Lord says that even the mightiest of men to live in an honest house.

“We have to be humble, we can not think that we are powerful,” says Fr Roger Luis
Photo: Natalino Ueda

At the Feast of Tabernacles, the experience of living in a tent, a tent, sleeping well for seven days, is to experience poverty, detachment and also make sure that we need to be attached to the Lord Almighty. Being a small compartment, it promotes the alignment of people, families. Affections, during those seven days are shared. The family feels united to each other when they awake.

We can not be indifferent to each other. The applicability of this Word comes to us, because the Lord tells us that He is our protection. This feast wants to bring to mind a call from God.

“Lord, I Need Your Spirit take me deep so I can understand the call that you made to me. I believe the Lord has a spiritual work for my country, a revival for Brazil. I also want to be an instrument of this revival to Brazil! ”

Those who were prophets of God in our time, who had beautiful purposes of God were silent. Intercessors, men and women who were used by God in the power of miracles “dried up”. Why? Because Continuous renewal is required, for there is a movement in the Gospel: “Come! If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me drink, “said the Lord. . If there is one thing that the Lord is crazy to give man is the Holy Spirit. 

Today, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are muffled because cultural Marxism enters into our compartment. Young people do not have more visions, they have decreased. But the will of God is to give us many gifts.The Lord wants to give the gifts of the Holy Spirit for you youth. But do you want them? If they want them, they need to go to the Lord, and He will give them the Living Water that never ceases. The Lord has prophecies and words of knowledge for you. He reserves for you the gift of tongues, words of wisdom, charismatic faith of those who believe in the miracle, in the victory.

“The noise of the Spirit are inexpressible groanings” assures Father Roger
Photo: Natalino Ueda

The noises of the Spirit are inexpressible groans, says Saint Paul to the Romans. The Lord causes the rain of His Spirit to come to us in this day of Pentecost. Ask God to give you the Living Water, because He is the source. I am sure that the Father wants to give us whatever we ask in His name.

Padre Roger Luis