At Mass today, Francis reflected on the Beatitudes, a program of life proposed by Jesus

Canção Nova News with Vatican Radio

The beatitudes are the program of Christian life. So said Pope Francis, Casa Santa Marta, on Monday, 9. The Pontiff focused his homily on the Beatitudes and, resuming the meeting of prayer for peace held yesterday at the Vatican , said that one must have the courage of meekness to defeat hatred.

According to Francis, the answers on what to do to be a good Christian are in the Beatitudes, where Jesus indicates attitudes contrary to what is usually done in the world. This is a program of life proposed by Jesus, something so simple and yet so difficult.

On poverty of spirit, Francis said that riches do not guarantee anything; Moreover, a rich heart is so pleased with himself that there is no place for God’s Word.

As for those who mourn, Francis reminded that they will be comforted. The world, he said, does not want to cry; then chooses to ignore the painful situations. “Only the person who sees things as they are and cries in his heart is happy and will be comforted with the consolation of Jesus, not the world. ”

The Pope also spoke of the meek who are blessed, in this world that from the beginning brings war and hatred, although Jesus requests peace and gentleness. Blessed also are those who fight for justice. “It’s so easy to get into the cracks of corruption. Everything is business. And how many injustices! How many people suffer for these injustices! ”

About the merciful, Francis said are those who forgive, who understand the mistakes of others.”Blessed are those who forgive; those who are merciful. Because we are all an army of the forgiven! We all have been forgiven. And so blessed are those who follow the path of forgiveness. ”

Blessed are the pure in heart also recalled the Pope, and the peacemakers. “It’s so common to be agents of war or at the least misunderstanding! (…) The world of gossip. These people who gossip do not make peace, they are its enemies, “Francis, who finally remembered the people who are persecuted because of righteousness, they are also blessed said.

The Pontiff added that if the man wants something else than what is already in the Beatitudes, Jesus gives other indications, such as the protocol in which men will be judged, this one passage in the 25th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel:

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you visited me, I was imprisoned and you came to me. With these two things – Beatitudes and Matthew 25 – one can live the Christian life in holiness, “the Holy Father explained.

For Francis, these are simple words, but all are practical, since Christianity is a practical religion. He finished indicating what the faithful may do today, these two readings: the passage on the Beatitudes and chapter 25 of Matthew’s Gospel.

“It will do you well to read it once, twice, three times. Read it, as a program of holiness. May the Lord give us the grace to understand His message. ”

Portuguese Version