Love Is the Weapon Against Sin

visit from JesusLove does nothing against the neighbor. Therefore love is the perfect fulfillment of the law (cf Romans 13:10)

When we do not see God, we move ourselves from Love, we distance ourselves from the Father. The consequence is sin, and we live in the darkness of selfishness, of hatred, of adultery, of robbery and of greed. But, the Lord says to us: “Let us abandon the works of darkness and put on the arms of light.” (Romans 13:12)

We have to decide for ourselves for love, the perfect form of living the commandments of the law of God. When we love, we do the good for the other. We draw closer to the light of Christ and the hope of salvation. 

In the fight against evil, we should put on the armour of Christ, to be read with truth and justice, to announce the Word of God with the shield of faith, with the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word. (cf Eph 6:10ff)

Jesus teaches us to truly love the Lord and our neighbor. 

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

Portuguese Version