The Word of God comes to meet us to help us purify our intentions and our actions in everything we do, starting with our prayers. There are people who like to appear that they are praying, they talk to you with the rosary in hand, and speak for the whole world to see that they are praying. No, the prayer that pleases God is not this, measured by the quantity and demonstration that you of your prayer.
The only person who needs to know of your prayer is God. Prayer should be done in the inner room, the silence of the gathering; where I go to meet Him who is the only and eternal Lord our God.
Do nothing to be seen, you need not pray out loud to disturb others, making noise for everyone to see that you are praying. The prayer that pleases the Lord our God is one that is made in the silence of the heart! Sure you can say something, but no one should pray or to call attention to another saying: “He is so gracious! He walks with a rosary in his hands and see how he prays! “. The prayer that pleases the heart of our God is different.
Likewise, our charity must be exemplary, to be a flaming charity, but should not be taken to put a plate over us: “Looks like I’m charitable! Look, I like to give alms and to help others “. It Should not be so. As Jesus teaches us, your right hand does not know what made your left (cf. Mt 6:1-4).
Help your neighbor, help the needy. You can be sure that when only God is watching, He will reward that your silent love in action . Do not do anything in life waiting to receive a return; do nothing in life expecting to receive “thank you,”because you exercised your charity. The charity needs to be, more than anything, provided free of charge, never expecting gratitude, the less recognition!
We need inner sacrifice, we often do penance, we need to fast, we need to sacrifice in this and that. Just do not need to advertise, just do not need to walk with the scowling, just do not need to walk with downcast so that others may have compassion on us spirit.
Everything that is done freely, is what the heart of God understands, produces fruit, which last for all eternity.
God bless you!
Fr. Roger Araujo