God Wants to Make Us Saints

God wants to make us saints “He chooses us to be saints and irreproachable in his eyes in love” (cf Eph1:4)

This is our primary call. Our primary vocation. The potter takes clay and works with his own hands. He molds it, gives it the form that he wants. Afterwards, he paints it, and finally, he puts it in the oven to transform it into an artistic piece. It is in this way that God works in  us.
We are  not clay, but, He takes us in His hands and works until we become the form that he wants. After this, He puts us in the oven, because we need to be tested in fire.
Thus as the artist contemplates his piece quickly. God wants to contemplate with love and joy the work that He does in us. His goal is to make us saints and without reproach to His eyes in love.

Your brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

Portuguese version