Those of God Do Not Tolerate Injustice

Keep one hand truth, mercy and kindness, but on the other hand has a sense of justice. Who is God does not tolerate injustice.

“Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, who considered him as a prophet” (Matthew 14: 5).

pe_rogerJohn the Baptist is a prodigy among the people, their presence causes fright, embarrassment and admiration. John lives the authenticity of a prophet, a man who lives wholly and entirely to God. We moderate the ascetic life that John lives, a disciplined life turned to prepare the coming of the Messiah.

John’s preaching causes discomfort, because it foretells the Messiah, Jesus announces, announces hope, but also denounces sin and error, and maybe that’s the hardest part about being a prophet, because a prophet does not live only proclaim Hope – how important it is to carry the love of God, proclaiming the faith, trust in the Lord – but the prophet needs to expose error, he cannot collude with what is not true, such as lying, hypocrisy and above, injustice.

God hates what is unjust! He does not tolerate the butchering of the innocent, violating the truth,he does not let the the person be oppressed because of injustice. None of it is of God! Speaking of injustice refers not only refers to social injustice; but any form of injustice is an immoral sin.

Look how Herod lives with his brother’s wife; this woman does not belong to Herod; she belongs to his brother. We can not, my brethren, tolerate and just find it normal when a person betrays the other, when the person starts to live wrong relationships when certain fashions and certain behaviors are, in fact, injustices against people.

We need to let the Word of God, the prophetic way, inspire in us an aversion to error and sin. Because often unjust things start happening within our own home when we are blind or are indifferent to error. You may not want to say anything but it is wrong to tolerate injustice. 

By speaking up, often, we lose friends, some people will be upset with us, maybe some will abandon us. Losing a friend, losing a relationship – like John the Baptist lost his head because he announced the truth, denouncedlies and hypocrisy.

I know it hurts too much father, mom, but you can not be tolerant of the error of your children or allow them to bring their mistake into your house, into your family. When we find someone who protects our mistake we tend to insist on doing what is wrong and what is convenient!

Be a prophet who has a hand truth, mercy and kindness, but on the other hand has a sense of justice, a sense of report the error, sin and everything that does not suit the will of God.

God bless you!