Achieve Wisdom

14079270990_a01b33a584_zWhen I’m in a situation where I have to give an answer when I am faced with a reality I have to ask the Lord: “What should I do?”.

Beginning, then, I say a prayer, asking the Lord, presenting myself to him. I have to engage that question in prayer and thus begin to pray. I have to say to the Lord with all humility, “I want, Lord, your reply”. This humility is the key to everything. What traps us is pride, because we weigh all know, we think we are able to solve everything.

“Lord, I do not know what is the best way, I do not know what to do.”

Then I wondered something to God in prayer, I wait for the answer in prayer. I will not expect that God will answer me after soon. Often,He can delay giving me another answer. I, patiently, keep praying, keep listening to God, to reap the answer.

His brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of New Song Community

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