How Do You Forgive Someone

The “Fantastic” program Rede Globo, on April 13, 1985, showed a real and exciting event that happened in our town of Lorena-SP, and I witnessed it.

A lady named Anna Maria, lived in the St. Anthony neighborhood. She had a bakery and lived in the same building in an apartment over the bakery.

One morning, this lady’s home was invaded by a guy, and he killed, one of her sons, 18-years old, inside her house.

She did not want revenge against the killer and at the funeral Mass itself for her murdered son, said that she forgave the offender. It was a moment of excitement and tears!

The killer was arrested, tried and sentenced to imprisonment in the House of Detention in São Paulo.As soon Doña Ana Maria learned of the arrest of the murderer, she went to visit him in Sao Paulo each week.Lorraine took the bus, traveling 200 km to speak of God to the murderer of his own son.

Shortly after this, the young man revealed through tears before the cameras of TV Globo, his repentance. sorry not to have known Jesus Christ before  killing the son of Ana Maria and ending up in jail.

This case shows what St. Paul calls “heap burning coals” on the head of he that lives in evil, and shows the Christian way to overcome evil. Thus, and only thus breaking the chain of violence and throws it to the ground. You can not put out a fire with gasoline, but with water. And when the water you fight fire, who wins is water.

St. Paul taught us the law of Christ: “Bless those who persecute you; bless them and not the persecute them … Repay no one evil for evil … never avenge others, dear ones, but let act the wrath of God for it is written Vengeance is mine; I will pursue righteousness, saith the Lord (Deut 32,35; Rom 12.14 to 19).

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he thirst, give him drink. By so doing you will heap burning coals on his head “(Proverbs 25.21; Rom 12,20)..

Jesus taught to forgive enemies, and died forgiving those who crucified Him, crowned Him with thorns and scourged Him

Who hates and does not forgive is like someone taking poison and waiting for the other to die.

Professor Felipe Aquino

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