What Is the Remedy for Disappointment?

What is the remedy for disappointment?

Disappointment blinds us and makes us pessimistic. That’s what happened with those two disciples on the way to   Emmaus (cf. Luke 24: 13-35). The condemnation and death of Christ left them in such a disappointed way that  were blinded. On their way to Emmaus, the risen Jesus walked beside them, but they did not recognize Him. The disappointment causes blindness in us. There are people who grow disappointed even in the time of childhood. And over time, this feeling increases within us. All of us are disappointed with people and situations, it does not depend on us and it is inevitable, however, we must renounce this sentiment.  We who must master these feelings.

Imagine drinking a glass of caustic soda: it will damage mouth, throat and stomach. The disappointment is like this. Does not depend on us to be stay disappointed, but we need to fight it. Diseases of the soul and heart are worse than the diseases of the body!

“The remedy for our frustrations is back to Jesus,” said Monsignor Jonas

How many people carry disappointments of a religious school, parents, priests, from an entire community! Maybe they’re so disappointed with God. How many people end up abandoning it because of disappointment, Today, like the disciples of Emmaus, we must overcome the frustrations through prayers of renunciation.

There are people who are disappointed with the religious institutions and transferred that feeling to God. From this came the cooling of the life of prayer and then abandoned it. You need not deny that people let you down, but you should relinquish this feeling and do not keep it in your heart. If you need to, ask for a prayer for inner healing, you should ask, because you can not live disappointed, you can not sleep with “snakes” in your bed.

Those disciples entered a tremendous pessimism about the death of Jesus. They recognized who Jesus was, knew that He would rise again, but at that time they were too disillusioned to see it. Then the Lord said to them: “As you are unintelligent and slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” The Lord Jesus gave them a long lecture on the Scriptures as they walked to Emmaus. The breaking of the bread, they finally recognize Jesus until he disappeared.

The remedy for our frustrations is back to Jesus. We have not seen Him like those disciples had the grace to see, but he is on our side. When we work, either on the computer, either cooking or washing clothes, Jesus is there with us. Are you Disappointed? Talk to Jesus and renounce all disappointments, because He is the remedy.

Your brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib