The Christian Family is Evangelizing and Missionary

The following post was originally published on February 11, 2014:
The Christian Family is evangelizing and missionary, even without being missionaries, but being that which is proper to a common family.

monsignor JonasEach house, each family is a domestic Church, it is seen in paragraph 2204 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Some parents are alcoholics, mothers have health problems, but this is not an impediment, for God is in this family. He comes to the sick, those that need help. As in the family of Lazarus, where his sister, Mary, was once a prostitute, Jesus was there even knowing that others spoke badly about Him.
The word of God, tells us that we should obey our parents. (cf. Sirach 3:3-7, 14-17) but the temptor puts indignation or misunderstanding between parents and children to destroy families. We need to ask God that he takes indignation, resentment and brooding from our heart. This is so that our hearts may be healed of all of this, we need the Lord. He can reconstruct, bring families to reconciliation.

Begin right now. Decide to love and harvest the fruits of this noble gesture: love.

God bless you!

Monsingn Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community.

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