We Are Called to be Apostles of Christ

Apostle with glasses (1439)


The anointing that we receive from God calls and sends us to be apostles of the Lord, to be messengers in His name, we bring tknowledge of God and His will to others.

You know there are many ways to exercise this apostolate: the apostolate of doing good, caring for others, praying for each other, the apostolate of prayer, to be intercessors, mediators; the apostolate of charity, the apostolate of the Word, the liturgical apostolate. Anyway, there are many paths, ways and means to be apostles of Jesus! However, the exercise of this apostolate can never be lacking the preaching of the Word of God, because the conversion comes from this, so we need to preach it to others to know the truth.

When we let the Lord speak in us and through us, let’s play, achieve and reach many hearts, since they do not preach ourselves, not preach our word, but the Word of the Lord with the power and authority she has!So you, my brother and my sister, and we are all called to be authorities in the name of the Lord!

The apostle is that that one, with God’s authority, not human, but divine, casts out evil spirits, cast out demons that torment and take away our inner peace, which move us away from the right path and lead us to darkness. We need to denounce them [demons], beat them and exterminate them from the midst of us, because they often act on our will, in our thoughts and our feelings so that we can not do the Lord’s will. So anyone planning to preach should also propose to cast out evil spirits!

When I get to a house and you ask me to bless you, I do it with love, but I do it with holy water also using exorcised salt, the sacrament of healing, deliverance, restoration and salvation. We all need to use them in our homes, in our families, we need to use them with friends who visit, we need to use them in the car we buy. Anyway, we always need the direction and the hand of God leading us.

So let us not be afraid to exercise our apostolate where we are. We can not and we must not be afraid to raise our hands to pray and beseech the blessings and graces of God; and to ask the Lord to give us the gift of the Word to speak in His name, to act in his name, to proclaim His Kingdom among us.

The apostles expelled demons, healed many sick people, the sick, because once they are endued with this power from on high, can and should pray for those who are ill and who are suffering.

Sometimes we do acts of kindness with those who suffer; take food, drink, fruit to some people, but we do not pray with them and for them. Sometimes it is by fear, shame and lack of practice, but if God wants and need to heal our sick, He needs hands, needs people to act and speak in His name. That is why Jesus today of His apostles of power and authority so that, in his name, operating these graces in the midst of humanity.

God bless you!

Fr. Roger Araujo

Portuguese Version