Now we are going to think practically about sex. . .
What is the Class Falante, the teachers, the lawyers, the journalists, the formers of opinion, what are they saying about sex. They are speaking thus. “It is important that you understand well. There does not exist correct or incorrect.”
See that to speak of sex in this way is to speak in an atheist manner. It is to say there is no prototype. You are the one who is god, you are the one who decides what is correct or incorrect. I want to show you how absurd this is, When you go to the doctor you believe that the doctor intends to use the model from God for your body. Your body has a logic. The doctor studies the logic of your body. Because he knows that your body has a way of functioning and it has a rational way of acting. Imagine you went to the doctor and he said “ You do not feel well, then go the pharmacy and find whatever medicine makes you feel better.” Would you accept this doctor?
Why, because the human being has a logic and the doctor is paying to study how it functions. He knows which medicine is correct and which is incorrect. If you buy a medicine in the pharmacy, you expect that it works well. But if instead of buying a good remedy, you buy a vial of poison and someone takes the vial of poison and changes the label to one that says: “This medicine is not going to do anything bad.” You discover that someone changed the label that said poison and you drink the poison happily and the person says “I felt good taking this medicine.” Is the poison going to do good or is it going to kill? It is going to kill. Why? Because a logic exists: poison kills.
If the national congress and the representatives pass a bill that says poison does not kill anymore, will you find that poison does not kill? No it will continue to kill, because the representatives and senators are not gods. They are employees, we pay them and they work there to make laws.
And the laws they make better be in accord with the project of God. The project of God, God has a project for us. Look at your body for example, you know what things do. Look at your mouth, you know what it does. Look at your eye, you know what it does. It shows an immense intelligence of God.
Look at the ears, when God distributed ears, I got into the line twice (audience laughs) and came out with the large ears that I have. Look at the ears, it is an acoustic shell. You hear from the front and not from behind. If you wanted to hear from behind, would you have an acoustic shell or the opposite. Experiment with an acoustic shell and you will learn you can hear better. The ear which is cartilage does not know of the existence of the eyes. It does not know to look forward. But the eyes look forward and the ears hear forward so the eyes and ears see and hear in the same direction. Do you understand?
You can think of the miracle that is sex. It is a miracle, the atheist say, “No it is pure evolution.” How can evolution produce sexuality. You have male and female to produce sexually. Male and female, they say they evolved.
And each division of evolution, in this famous theory of evolution, each segment of evolution continues without any divine project, goes and evolves here and evolves there and miraculously it happens, I cannot say. I can only say this as a thought of God a project of God.
If you have a person in China with a lock and another in Brazil with the key and they develop the lock and the key without knowing each other and without communicating with each other, each one with his own intelligence. Later you take the key and you take the lock and they fit together and you can say that is a miracle. Only through much intelligence can this happen.
Male and female, man and woman, [together?] perfectly, are made one for the other could not be if it was only through evolution. . . . God thought of man for woman and woman for man. And there was no cause?