[Some people say]: “Ah No I want to live in free sex. I want to live sex in the way that pleases me.” There are people that can say, “No I don’t want to live sex with human beings, I want to live sex with animals.” This is crazy. It is a disobedience to the creation of the creator. But this is what your son and daughter learn in school. This is being put into their heads through television, in radio, films and documentaries. That it is important that the person feels good. I do not like to talk about these things, but I am put into this in which I have to talk about these issues. Excuse my crudeness, but it is important to speak of these issues. For example, it is all the fashion, it is quasi fashion, more it is an ideology that is put into the heads of people is that of sex oral and sex anal. The anus and the mouth are part of the digestive system. What parallel does the digestive system have with reproduction? None. Nevertheless we want want to insist on this.
There is no connection. You cannot desire to smell through the eyes. You cannot desire to taste through the ears. You cannot desire to see through the mouth because it is against the project of the creator. It is against the intelligence that makes you, nevertheless we find we can do sex in any way and we find that we there is no spiritual consequence no what is important is that I feel good. It is the same rationale as taking poison every day because it makes me feel good. There is no end, the important thing is that I feel good.
There exists an intelligence and this intelligence is divine intelligence.
Now a guy can live sex in a disgraced form. He wants to live sex without commitment. Let’s stop and think that there exists an intelligence of the creator. Our children are not rational, they are not able to arrive at this conclusion.
We can educate ourselves about sexuality and use this education to unmask this: It may be that the teacher who teaches this is not an atheist. It may be that the journalist that says this is not an atheist. It may be that the lawyer who works with this is not an atheist. But this thinking is atheist and it is born of atheism.
What is happening is that atheism is taking control of our society under the radar. When atheist thinking enters your house, it does not do it this way: “Good Day, I am Atheist thinking and I am going to teach you to be atheists.” No it does not do this. It enters as a humanism. It enters as something favorable to man, as tolerance. It says this: “Look people, this sexual morality of the Catholic Church is an intolerant immorality. It is a cruel morality that is going to make our youth feel repressed. We are going to liberate our youth and teach our little sons and daughters that they have the right to do whatever sex they want.”
If your little son, or your little daughter does the sex that they want, it will be bad for them.
In a way that it is bad is a guy who eats whatever he wants, fried potatoes, all type of fatty food, he has a heart attack from such a powerful rise in cholesterol, but he says that he felt so good eating all that food. . .
[May be they have had sex in whatever way happens] but have the capacity to understand that they are destroying themselves.
So it is enough to have someone with the courage to say this.
But this Class Falante, or better still, this crowd of professors, our schools, this multitude of psychologists, pedagogues, psychologists, psychiatrists . . . priests, Priests what horror a multitude that are working in atheist thought.
What a horror when a youth goes to confession and confesses the sin of masturbation and the priests says “No it is not a sin, you are just coming to know your body.”
This priest maybe he does not know. I hope he does not know. I am trying to save the soul of the priest. I hope he does not know, but he is producing atheist thought. He is being an employee of atheist thought.
Priests and evangelical pastors are saying “We cannot put Christian symbols, we have to accept and tolerate because we cannot impose our faith. They have to give account that they are working for atheist thought. Because if we ban God from all places the result will not be a pluralistic society, but an atheist society that is intolerant of who ever has a religion. This is implanted under the guise of tolerance and humanism. Intolerance masked as tolerance.