Today is the last is our series of excerpts from the a talk on families by Fr. Paulo Ricardo Azevedo, Jr. We will return to our normal variety starting Monday. Enjoy today’s entry–ed. People, the devil is presented in a way that he does not present himself with horns, tail and pitchfork ugly and red. The devil presents himself in a [better way]. Why? Because the Devil studied marketing.
He knows his marketing. He is not going to shock people. I am not saying that the devil is the patron of marketing, no. But he is a specialist in such things. He knows minds. He knows. He presents himself only as tolerance.
How does the devil do this? For example, the Catholic Church loves passion, loves homosexuals. There does not exist in Brazil any other organization that loves homosexuals more than the Catholic Church. Why? Because the Catholic Church wants to take homosexuals from the culture of death that is killing homosexuals. This degrading, unwholesome life of free sex, drug abuse. It is killing these youth. Therefore, the Church loves homosexuals and is saying, my child, stop this.
The Church loves heterosexual youth who are also being killed in a culture of death, degrading, unwholesome life of free sex of drug abuse. Therefore, the Church is saying thus, my child, stop this. Stop treating yourself badly. Why? Because you were made to love.
People, sex is a creation of God and not of the devil. Sex is made by God and it is beautiful. What is sex. Sex is participation of the human being in the work of creation. The woman’s uterus is a sacred sanctuary. Because in conception when the sperm unites with the egg what happens is the miracle of life and God creates personally the soul.
The interior of a woman is sacred and holy. Because God inside the woman does a miracle of creation. The miracle of life happens in every woman who conceives. Every woman who carries within her a little life composed of cells, a fertile egg and there a human soul. There God realizes his marvelous project.
The man is called by his sexuality to enter respectfully this sanctuary of life that is the woman. The man should enter with total respect this sanctuary to participate in this work of creation. Sex is not an invention of the devil. Sex was made by God. People, we need to take sex from the hands of the devil and take possession of sex. It was God who made sex, the devil took possession of it, but sex is a work of God. We need to return sex from being part of what is not the project of God. God has a mindset for sexuality. God has a dream; God has a project for sexuality.
Sex is our capacity to love. How terrible it is that people use it for our capacity for selfishness. When God made the idea of sexuality in order that you can participate in creation, this marvelous work. And you use this sexual energy to be selfish, using pornography, making women an object, masturbating, you are using sex not for love but for selfishness, solitary. You are making yourself unable to participate in the project of God. This is the reason that the Church does not accept pornography and masturbation.
Look, appreciate the logic, you need to present sexuality as something positive, as a dream, as something beautiful from God. The youth is capable of understanding this. If you present sexuality as a canon, as a list of penalties, as something prohibited: “Oh this you cannot do it, you cannot do it, you cannot do it.” The youth will not accept it.
If you want to educate your children about sexuality you need to:
Unmask the wolf, that is to say: See the atheist thought that leads to death and that destroys. Your teacher may not be an atheist, but he is verbalizing atheism in formation. Your professor studied this or is not sufficiently converted. However, it is important that you know and can unmask this teaching and teach that which leads to death and personal destruction.
- Evidently, The youth are capable of understanding this, the more you have sex without commitment, the more free sex you are involved in the spiritually empty you in the soul. The youth are capable of understanding this but it is only you who can give it a name: The wolf, the wolf there dressed in sheep’s clothing.
- Look at that sheep, but look at its paws, what kind of paws are those. The paws of a wolf. Look at those fangs, that does not appear to be the mouth of a sheep.
- Look at that little sheep, come sheep make the baaaa sound. You hear a howl of “Woooooo” There is something wrong with that sheep. Do you understand?
The youth is capable of understanding, but it is important that you teach him to understand.
The youth are so capable of critical thought, right. They speak of this. In college: “We need to have critical thought, we do not have to accept everything.” Very good. Critique your thoughts and those of others, that it criticism. And see that you adopted atheist and destructive thoughts. Not only atheist and destructive but also dishonest.
Do you know why atheist thought is in fashion? Today we are going to learn like the atheists. We are going to take another atheist thinker, Friedrich Nietzche. . .
What did Nietzche say: He wrote a book called Thus Spake Zarathustra and in one of the chapters named Great Events. Nietzche wrote this phrase, the book is written more or less in aphorisms, basically phrases, so one needs only to understand the phrases. Nietzche says this: “I am going to reveal the crazy thinking of you, my brothers. If gods existed, how could I support the idea that gods do not exist. Therefore, God does not exist.”
The cat is hidden except for his tail.
He demonstrates that he is an atheist through pride. He is an atheist because he does not support that there is a God. For to have a god is to signify that someone has an end, he has meaning, and if I begin believing that I do not have meaning, that is incorrect.
I take this microphone here. The microphone is made for one way. However, I am going to give a talk in a swimming pool. I am going under the water, evidently the microphone is not going to work under water. Evidently, I am going to destroy the microphone under the water. Why? Because it was not made for this. The microphone revolts and says No, I want to be free, I want to do this. I want to live as I want. No, my brothers and sisters, you must live as the maker has made you otherwise it is bad for you. You are not God! (applause).
Therefore, for example, the youth ask: “Father, why does the Church prohibit sex before marriage?”
There is no church that prohibits sex in marriage. It is the nature of sex that it belongs in marriage.
“Oh no, I don’t believe that, it is just that Catholic theology.”
I notice that in this business of sex a child is born. I find that this thing called sex has something to do with a baby. Very good.
When you sit at a table, it is a reality that has to do with nutrition.
This is the end of things that God thought, the creator thought.
If a couple of young people are having sex, the proper nature of it is for the generation of a child. I am not saying it is going to generate a child but the nature of it is to generate a child. Yes or no?
Audience: “Yes”
Yes, but we used a condom. My brother I am not interested in this right now. What I am interested in is this: I know many girls where a condom was used and in a moment not expected ‘Bingo!’ a child. You know this situation as well, eh? Am I right? This happens or does not happen? If it happens say ‘amen’
Now, this child has to be respected, he has a right to life. He has a right to a father and a mother.
Now let’s look at atheist thought. There is no god, you are your own god. Do what makes you happy. Play in the garbage can. This is what atheist thought says.
Atheist thought says this: “You are pregnant, daughter. Ahhh, you have the right of your body. You are the lord of you body. And we say. No, the one who is lord of your body is God. Respect your creator.
No but the person puts him/herself in the place of God.
The Lord is lord of life and death.
“No I was just having fun with my boyfriend. For a moment of fun, I have to spend the rest of my life with the burden of a child that I did not want.”
Who sent you to play with fire. My grandfather used to say: “Whoever plays with fire gets burned.”
This is the problem.
Sexuality is not leisure; sexuality is sacred.
The Church prohibits sex before marriage not because it is a sin. The Church prohibits sex before marriage, because the Church is convinced that sex is sacred and can only be lived in the holiness of sacred matrimony.
Ah but that is your religious opinion and you cannot put your religious opinion on another person.
No I cannot. But I can reason that every child that is born has a right to a father and mother always.
But with atheist thought a child brings himself out without father or mother.