Abortion: The Consequences for those who Practice It

Abortion can leave serious consequences both physical and emotional for the rest of life

There is a very intense discussion about the legalization of abortion in Brazil. The Church, however, stands firm in defense of life, believing that the fetus is a person and has as much of a right to live as each one of us. Far from wanting to discuss laws, I would like to talk a little about this sensitive subject. Despite being presented as an act of freedom and a victory for women’s rights, abortion can leave serious consequences for the rest of your life, both physical and emotional.

Abortion: the consequences for those who practice

In the physical part, abortion can cause even the mother’s death. Bleeding, uterine infection and infertility are common complications in clandestine abortions. Even abortions in hospitals (where they are allowed by law), there are still risks.

The most important for me, however, are the emotional consequences. Several studies have proven that women who practice abortion emotionally suffer in the short, medium and long term (called post-abortion syndrome). At first, they live guilt, family conflict, loneliness and fear. Afterwards often there are problems with motherhood,  the difficulty in getting pregnant or recurrent miscarriages. And, over time, there is a greater tendency to alcoholism, depression, suicide and drug use.

My goal in this text is not to present scientific arguments. I would actually invite you to do this with another look. I follow several patients who had a strong desire to have an abortion (even tried to carry it out). Most had no family support (determining factor in the decision to abort), even within Christian homes. And they faced a terrible inner struggle between the feelings generated by the pregnancy and the fears that drove to put an end to this story. After all, the first person profoundly changed by the fetus is the mother. Since the beginning of pregnancy, a flood of hormones changes the body, stirs emotions, awakens instinct. When a pregnant woman thinks about abortion, she is committing an assault herself against motherhood screaming from the inside out.


I know that having a child is very difficult (I am a mother!). But God takes care of all those who trust Him. If He allowed the pregnancy, it is because He has a wonderful purpose for this baby. Here are two testimonies.

The first is of a patient. She came to the office because she wanted to abort. It was an unwanted pregnancy, a short relationship. The mother had no financial means to care for the child and her family said that they would not help. During the prenatal period, The mother strengthened in trust and faith, showing that a child is always a blessing and his family also realizes that. Conclusion: she had a daughter, the family was in love with the child and today the girl is the great joy of all. They are much better than before.

The second case is more painful. It’s a girl who was raped by three young men when she was 14. And she conceived from rape. Her father (Conservative) said that if she does not abort the baby she would be expelled from the home. She decided not to abort and left home to work as a maid and to be able to have the girl. Today, the daughter is a blessing, very dedicated in the Church and the mother feels very happy to have defended her life.

If someone close to you is considering an abortion, know that your support and commitment can make all the difference. Focusing on life is always worth it. The consequences are severe, but the worst is to lose the grace that God would give you through that child. God knows what he is doing. What remains for is that trust and commit. Courage!

Roberta Castro

Roberta Castro is a Gynaecologist and an expert in family therapy.
She is also Coordinator of the Department of Music and Arts of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo.

Portuguese Version