Tips for dealing with difficult people at work

The dream of having the best job in the world, often ends when faced with difficult people in the environment where we are

I wish our workplace was an environment made up of people who accepted our views, to walk always in good humor, wanting to produce, be flexible and thoughtful in their attitudes, no complaints and in the most perfect harmony. I wish …

Tips for dealing with difficult people at work
Photo: Wesley Almeida /

Time and again, we find that proud fellow, the all-knowing, the self-seeking person; also has the sycophant, which pushes service upon another, envious, jealous, explosive … Anyway, people think it is really complicated to deal with and who daily create conflicts with others.

When such a problem is diagnosed, the most common way to act is ignoring them, believing it to be a temporary situation that will soon be gone. Over time, little change is perceived and the correct solution is the fact aside. Pretending nothing is happening and continuing to suffer the consequences without any attitude only helps to grow that “monster” inside us. And we will do what? Pack more confusion? That’s our problem?

Common sense is the key to entering a delicate and refreshing way. Solving problems is not a pleasant task, so many people shy away from them. We hope that others have come to us ready without defects or adjustments. We blame everyone and never stop to think about our own attitudes. We have to get rid of certain prejudices and try to understand those around us to help them. The improvement can from those who are bothered and not from the botherer.

The individual does not realize that he is centralizing tasks, preventing teamwork. The explosive screams, responding harshly to the orders without understanding how much he or she is causing harm to those around him. Showing them that attitudes like these do not contribute to a healthy working environment is of utmost necessity. It is not only the leader that needs to take the initiative.If you are part of this group and feels harmed, talk with respect and consideration. Good conversation is liberating.

Escape the Trap “take it, give in,” to stay looking for ways to “get even” with the one who draws upon your patience. Focus your attention on observing your colleagues, trying to find ways to evolve them.Avoid responding to provocations or stimulating gossip and commenting in the absence of another. Take a deep breath and then speak.

The Serenity Prayer teaches us:
“Grant me, Lord, the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.”

Ioná Piva

She is currently professor of Social Communication courses of the New Song Faculty  (Journalism and Radio and Television). Master’s graduate program in Social Communication, Universidade Metodista, whose research line is: Technological Innovations in Contemporary Communication.