The Document of the Jerusalem Council

A letter, written together after the judgment of the pastors of the Church contained the document of the Council of Jerusalem to the new direction of the church.

Document the Jerusalem Council

“Your reading caused joy because of the comfort it brought.”

It was not a political decision, in order not to lose the faithful … Even less by some external pressure to accept the heathen. No! It was the action of the reading of God in the Church. The reading of events caused by the action of the Holy Spirit performing signs and wonders, baptizing pagans in the Holy Spirit without their Jewish prerequisites. The Holy Spirit was showing that Christianity was not an evolution of Judaism, was not an adjustment of accounts of Jesus with the Jews, Christianity is the Church of Jesus Christ, it is a unique project of God a masterpiece for the salvation of world. Christianity is not only the people of God, but the body of Christ! Every Christian is a member of this body, where all things are articulated.We do not offer an external sacrifice for the remission of sins but our own body, as members of Christ. We offer a living sacrifice! He, the Lord is the Sacrifice par excellence, the perfect offering and the perfect priest. From the same promise made ​​to Abraham, yes, but living a new and eternal covenant with God. For this grace, all of us with pagan origin (non-Jewish) who convert to Christianity are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. We need not comply with the law to qualify for salvation … It is not by our merits, but through the merits of Christ! It is not a visible mark of circumcision, but by an invisible mark on the heart, a sign, the sign of the cross, the sign of our salvation.

There is nothing to note.

What is the message of God for me today?

Simply that Whenever it is necessary, the Church comes together to solve important issues for healthy living of all her children. Thank God, from the beginning is like that and it keeps us on track. Walking with the Church does not run the risk of error.

How can I put this into practice?

Listen, learn, obey the church’s guidelines is the safe way to follow Jesus Christ.

from the blog Diário Espiritual [Spiritual Diary]