See the Ruse the Devil Uses to Detour You

The devil uses trickery to see us defeated, just as he is

Photo: Wesley Portal/

The devil wants you to be just another of his defeated Christians, as he himself is defeated. He knows he can’t defeat God, but wants others who are defeated to be by his side. For this, he has made offers of scraps to us, wrapped in a beautiful wrapping paper. Do not accept anything from him. In addition to destroying you in this life, the devil still wants to take away eternal life.

We need to be determined. Let us leave aside the idea of life “more or less”. The decision to break with sin is up to us, and God’s offering, with all his grace, is to free us from sin. Make a decision: this day I will no longer sin.

You need to fight and get healthy for heaven, because that is the address of the decisive, while hell is for the soft, weak and indecisive.

Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the community new song

Portuguese Version