An Examination of Conscience

For you to make a good confession you need to examine your conscience

It is necessary to evaluate the conscience with courage, in the light of the Holy Spirit. And to hide nothing from the priest, because there it represents Jesus himself.

1 -Do I love God more than the things, people and my programs? Or have I worshiped false gods, like the pleasure of sex before or outside marriage, the pleasure of gluttony, pride showed up, the vanity of showing off etc.?

2 -Have I, against the law of God, sought power, knowledge, wealth, solutions to my problems in prohibited things as horoscopes, birth chart, reading cards, Buzios, Tarot readings, pyramids, crests, spiritism, macumba, candomblé, black magic, summoning the dead, reading of the hands etc.? Have I cultivated superstition? Fingers crossed, amulets, elves, gnomes and stuff? Hear songs that influence me and cause alienation, violence, desire for sex, rebellion and depravity?

3 -I Pray, trust God, looking for the Church, participate in the Holy Mass on Sundays? I confess? I share?

4I read the Gospels, the living Word of Jesus, or is it that it is  a stranger to me?

5 -Do I respect, love and defend God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and saints, the sacred things or am I a blasphemer who acts as an enemy of Jesus?

6 -Do I Love, honor, help my parents or my brothers, my family? Or am I “a problem” in my house? Do I make my parents cry? Am I a son or daughter who only knows how to demand and require? Do I lie and I’m faking with them? Do I live the commandment: “honor your father and mother”?

7 -How’s my dating? Do I see my girlfriend or boyfriend as an object of pleasure for me, as a cigarette I smoke and then throw out? Is he or she  a “person” with which I want to live, or just a “thing” to give me pleasure?

8 – Do I live sex life before marriage, out of God’s plan? Do I think thoughts, words and deeds regarding issues such as masturbation, porn magazines, movies, erotic shows and provocative clothes? Do I live in homosexuality?

9 -Respect my body and my health, which are gifts of God? Or will I destroy my body, which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, with prostitution, drugs, high-risk adventures, quarrels, violence, provocation etc.?

10 -I’m honest or to the other? Do I fool my parents? Take money from them or hide it from them? Have I stole something from somebody, even if it’s something without much value?Did I return it?

11 – Did I wrong someone? Hurt someone with words, thoughts, attitudes, weapons? Did I deny my forgiveness to someone? Did I seek revenge? Do I hate someone?

12 -Did I speak ill of others? gossiping, destroying the honor and good name of individuals?Am I a slanderer and tattler? Do I Live judging and condemning others? Am I compassionate, patient and meek? Do I forgive as Jesus does?

13I’m humble, simple, helpful and real friend?

14 – Am I charitable, Do I know how to suffer to help those in need from me?
Do I share what I have or am I selfish?

15 -Am I detached from material things, money?

16 -Am I greedy? Do I live just to eat?

17 -Is my drinking  out of control? Do I let the alcohol destroy my life and my family’s disgrace?

18 -Am I lazy? Don’t work right? Do I spoil myself?

19 -Do I feel anger and don’t forgive the evil done to me? Do I desire revenge against someone? am I mean?

20 -AmI jealous? Wishing evil to others?

Felipe Aquino

Professor Felipe Aquino is a widow, father of five children. On TV Canção Nova [New Song], he presents the program “School of faith” and “Ask and respond”, on Radio he presents the program “in the heart of the Church”. On weekends he preaches deepening meetings throughout Brazil and abroad. He wrote 73 books of Catholic background by publishers, Loyola and Cleopas new song. His teacher’s page: Twitter: @pfelipeaquino