The importance of prayer of the family rosary

It is essential that the Christian family pray the Rosary every day

According to a tradition, Saint Domingo de Guzmán, Spanish, received from our Lady the Holy Rosary devotion, he prayed continuously in his walks for the conversion of the Cathar heretics that agitated the life of the Church in France.

In her appearances, in Fatima and Lourdes, the Madonna asked insistently for the seers to pray the Rosary always. She said to the shepherds in Fatima, that “there is no problem of personal, family, national and international levels, the Holy Rosary cannot help solve”. So, the Rosary and Rosary prayers became loved by the people of God. Pope John Paul II said this was his “your favorite prayer”; always one would see him praying it.

A importância da oração do rosário em família

Prayer of the heart

Benedict XVI recommended it strongly. He said: “the Rosary is prayer, woven of biblical Scripture. It is the prayer of the heart, in which the repetition of the Hail Mary guides the thought and affection towards Christ, becoming confident in our supplication.

“The Rosary, when prayed so authentically, not mechanically or superficially, but deeply, brings peace and reconciliation. It contains within it the power of holy name of Jesus healer, invoked with faith and love in the center of each Hail Mary “(May 5,

In his apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, of 2005, St John Paul II said: “a prayer so easy and, at the same time, so rich, truly deserves to be discovered again by the Christian community”.

Many Popes have recommended the Rosary: Leo XIII in 1883, in the Encyclical Supremi apostolatus officio, introduced it as “a spiritual effective instrument against the evils of society”. St. Pius V in 1571, established the invocation to our Lady of the Rosary, in thanks to the Virgin for the victory of Christianity, at the battle of Lepanto against the Ottoman Turks Muslims who wanted to destroy Christianity in Europe.

The family that prays together stays together

In addition to the numerous Popes, many saints stood out for Christ in the Rosary: Louis de Montfort, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Pio of Pietrelcina and many others. This devotion is based on the fact that, from the top of the cross, Jesus Christ, in an act of love, has given us Mary as mother (cf. Jn 19.26). If Jesus gave her as a mother, it’s because we needed her for our life and salvation. So, every Christian and every Christian family needs the maternal protection of our Lady to face the fight of life, the temptations, trials etc. The Church has always taught that “the family that prays together stays together”, especially when praying the Rosary.

In the prayer of the Holy Rosary, Mary teaches us and encourages us in the life of Christ, sharing with us those things that “she kept in her heart” (cf. Lk 2.52). “It is a contemplative prayer, and cannot be only a mechanical repetition of formulas”, said Pope Paul VI in the Apostolic exhortation Marialis cultus.

I remember with longing, that my mother, every day, met her nine children, at 6:00 pm sharp, to pray the Rosary. It was something that never failed her. Today, I see all my brothers in the Church, all married, none separated. I don’t remember a day of despair in our home, although we had all the problems that every family has. The Holy Rosary daily has always been our strength, our consolation. I never stopped praying, even in my day as Army cadet for three years at the Military Academy.

Especially today, in which is multiplied problems and sins, the offense to God, and the children are much more subject to peer pressure, it is vital that the Christian family pray every day the Holy Rosary to put itself under the powerful intercession of our Lady. So, there will be peace, even in this troubled world.

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Felipe Aquino

Professor Felipe Aquino is a widow, father of five children. On TV Canção Nova he presents the program “School of faith” and “Ask and respond”, on Radio he presents the program “in the heart of the Church”. On weekends he preaches deepening meetings throughout Brazil and abroad. He wrote 73 books of Catholic background by publishers, Loyola and Cleopas and Canção Nova. His teacher’s page: Twitter: @pfelipeaquino

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