FELIPE AQUINO: My body, My rules. A Spreading Culture of Death

“My body, my rules,” a defense of abortion of innocent children and defenseless

Some artists from the Globo TV Network in Brazil recorded a video entitled “my body, my rules,” defending abortion of innocent and defenseless children . In addition to the spread of the morbid “death culture”, the video spread lies about the teaching the Christian faith, particularly on the Perpetual Virginity of the Virgin Mary, these people, who understand nothing of Theology and Mariology, interpret as error of translation.

capa- meu corpo minhas regras
Playback: Youtube

Human life begins with the embryo; and that is a scientific fact. According to the major 20th-century geneticist Dr. Jerome Lejeune, who discovered Down syndrome, the embryo is a human being in which are already all settings of this person’s life.

What’s the point of saving the child already born, but to defend and protect that is in gestation?

It is sad to note that some artists, using their presence in homes, use a medium as powerful as the media to broadcast the death of innocent, defenseless beings, that one day could walk, think, smile and hug your parents. It is a very sad and incoherent view of actors who ask for money for the Child Hope publicly defending murder of innocent and defenseless children in the womb. What’s the point of saving the child already born, but to defend and protect that which is in gestation?

The child is also part of the woman’s body?

The artists argue falsely that the woman has a right to her body; They do have yes, and they must take good care of it, but she can never kill a child in her womb, which is not part of her body; it is an independent life.

Is it an artist’s role to defend the murder of children in the womb of their own mothers? The life of a child must be protected in all circumstances. We know that a child who is born premature just 12 weeks of gestation has survived. Is it a good role for the artist to spread the “culture of death”?

We can’t shut up before so much innocent blood spilled.

Eliminating life is a sin that cries out to heaven for justice. Our country may not have the blessings of God offending so greatly the Creator, particularly in what is most sacred, inviolable gift of life.

Don’t omit, don’t fall for that SIN; participate, protest against the extermination of millions of children by their own mothers.

A 12-week-old baby is already well developed

What abortion kills is a human life, so the child, since the first few months of pregnancy, has the same rights to life that a baby of six months old. With only 12 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is already well developed. The only changes are the basic growth and perfection of which is already formed. All the organic systems work. He breathes and urinates too. When your mother sleeps, he sleeps, but when she climbs the stairs,he hears a loud noise in the outside environment, he wakes up. At this stage, the baby can feel pain and is very sensitive to light, heat and noise. The personality is already in training. At eight weeks, a baby holds any object that is put into his hand. If you do an EKG, with precision instruments, even the beats of his heart will be heard—Note: a baby of six weeks. With the aid of a microscope, we discovered that this little being has 46 chromosomes in every cell of his body, clearly demonstrating that he’s a human being.

Each of us was a fertilized egg, a single cell. All we are was already contained in this single cell: eye color, hair, foot size, the fact of being  bald at 50 yearsold. Nothing was added to the fertilized egg one day we were except nutrition.

When the person becomes human?

Some arbitrarily set a line in time and say: before this age, for example three months, there is no human being: then Yes. About that, such people agree: disagree, however, about the age that begins to exist as human beings. But, if we value the right to determine that the fetus has to life, it is also logical to establish a maximum age limit, for example, 80 years.We can declare that all, above this age, will no longer have their life protected by law? Both cases identify themselves.

Some say that’s not human until it has some experience of love. What will then be the UN-loved? Others say that the human being is only when it is a certain self-consciousness. But what about the exceptional child. The young woman in a coma for three weeks after a crash?A grandmother after a stroke?

You can give the child the right to kill his mother?

If today we give the right to a mother to kill legally her unborn child, because it is embarrassing for her tomorrow, logically, we should give the child the legal right of killing his mother also who became a burden for him?

We must protect all lives, or allow legislators to define the right to life? Can we knowingly allow the big to kill the small, the strong eliminate the weak, the conscious destroy the unconscious?

Even the Protestant Reformers professed the virginity of Mary

The official interpreter of the Bible, which is the church – because she’s the one who wrote it-has no doubt of the Virginity of Mary. She was always a Virgin: “before childbirth, childbirth and after childbirth,” said St. Augustine. It was Pope Paul IV who, in July/8/1555, presented the perpetual virginity of Mary among the fundamental themes of faith. So it is expressed “the Blessed Virgin Mary was mother of God, and always kept the virginity before birth, at birth and constantly after childbirth”.

Even the Protestant Reformers such as Luther and John Calvin, professed the virginity of Mary. In 1537, in their “Articles of Christian doctrine”, it is Luther himself who says: “the Son of God became man in order to be conceived of the Holy Spirit without the pole and the birth of Mary, Holy and ever Virgin”. In 1542, John Calvin published his Geneva catechism, which reads: “the Son of God was formed in the womb of the Virgin Mary. This happened by miraculous action of the Holy Spirit without the pole “.

The Koran of Mohammed professes the virginity of Mary

Even the Koran of Mohammed, that renders certain propositions of Christianity, professes the virginity of Mary. The Second Vatican Council, dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium “,” said: ” This union is manifest also at the birth of Our Lord, who did not diminish His mother’s virginal integrity but sanctified it,” (LG, paragraph 57), repeating what had already been stated in the Council of the Lateran in 649.

The Holy fathers liked to call Mary Mater inviolata “,” Mother perfectly Virgin “. Saint Antoninus, in his “Summa”, summed up everything: “mother of us all, in the midst of virginity;Mother, by first, precept, independent advice or example of others, offered to God the gift of her virginity and thus generated all the virgins, as they are virgins for imitation of her virginity “(MM, p. 26). And so the Holy fathers not tired of extolling the virginity of Mary stated: “Virgin that raised the light without raising any sign, as once the burning Bush (of Moses) that burned in fire without consuming,” said St. Ephrem; or as Saint Epiphanius: “still a Virgin most pure after delivery”; or St. John Chrysostom: “Virgin who remained a Virgin, even being truly mother.” Or St. Gregory the great: “Virgin who gave birth and, while giving birth, duplicates the virginity”.

The Prophet Isaiah prophesied the virginity of Mary as a sign of the Lord: “a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and will call him ‘ God with Us ‘” (Is 7.14). Why did there have to be a Virgin to give the world the Redeemer? First, so teach the Holy fathers of the Church, because it was a Virgin (Eva) that sin entered the world; then, also by another Virgin (Mary), would enter the salvation.

Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and martyr of the second century († 200), contrasting Maria to Eva says: “As for a disobedient Virgin was the wounded and man fell and died, so too, through a Virgin obedient to the word of God, the man regained life..

Felipe Aquino

Professor Felipe Aquino widower, father of five children. On TV Canção Nova, presents the programs: “Escola da Fé” e “Pergunte e Responderemos” [“School of faith” and “Ask and respond”], on Radio he presents the program “No Coração da Igreja” [“in the heart of the Church”]. On weekends he preaches retreats throughout Brazil and abroad. He wrote 73 books of Catholic background by publishers, Loyola and Cleopas Canção Nova.Teacher’s page: www.cleofas.com.br Twitter: @pfelipeaquino