Wait Upon the Lord

Wait on the Lord for all time

“Wait on the Lord for all time, the Lord is the rock eternal.” (Is 26.4)

St. Francis Xavier said: “there is a big difference between the man who trusts in God when you have everything you need, and the one who trusts in God when he has nothing. Also, it is one thing to trust in God when life is secure, free from dangers, and another when there is imminent danger of destruction. I believe that those who live in continual danger of death will get tired of this life and death wish to be always with God in heaven, because our current mortal condition is, in fact, only one continuous death, an exile from the glory for which we were created “

to stop trusting God would be something much more terrible than any form of  physical harm.
To learn how to trust God is to have to be continuously in touch with his word. It  leads us to build our life on solid ground, who to know and in whom to put our hope.

The Lord taught us: “Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and does them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock, And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock. (Mt 7 24-25)

O Lord, grant us your Holy Spirit, grant us perseverance in following You.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Luzia Santiago

Portuguese Version