The prayer that has transformed the lives of men

Something new has happened in the parishes. So in an even timid way, we have seen so-called groups of Men’s Rosary start and gradually grow more and more male, and in not a few cases reach 1000, 1500, 2000 people praying the Holy Rosary.

A oração que tem transformado a vida dos homens - 1600x1200
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The most important thing is that this prayer has transformed the lives of many men, taken from many of them addiction, pornography, adultery and secret sects; returning them to the company of family and the frequency of the sacraments of the Church. So I thought it was important to write a book that depicts all these wonders.

This work depicts what is the Rosary of the Men, the origin of the movement in [Brazil], as these conversions happens and what’s going on in the depths of these men. However, not content to speak only of the Rosary of the men under the aspect of the life of prayer and its effects, but I saw a great opportunity to speak also of life, of subjects of interest and offer some literature that could give a direction to the man of today, as is requested by our Mother the Queen thrice admirable movement of Schoenstatt-from whom came the first step in recent times, for the propagation of the Men’s Rosary – in which one of the pillars of the Rosary is human formation for men.

I have noticed that, from the prayer of the Rosary, the men have been converted back to the sacraments and, from that, sought a greater sense to their lives; Hence the second part of the title of the book: ‘ the great masculine mission.

But what is this great mission.

I’m reporting here briefly, four characteristics God thought for the man in his origin, since the time he formed the masculine so that he fulfills his mission in this world.

Welcoming -God first made man first then the woman. Why? For him to be bigger than her? No! So, he created, could prepare the environment. The man is the host of the woman.

We can see this image also in Jewish culture. When a couple was promised in marriage, we know, by tradition, that the obligation to build the House was on the man and, on the day of the wedding, he was going to seek his bride, with his friends (cf. Jn 3.29), who was waiting for him at the home of his parents along with her virgin friends (cf. Mt 25.1). Therefore, the woman was given to the man, the Lord showed him (cf. Gen 2.22). We must view women differently from what the world offers us; We have to watch seem as the Lord God sees them. From there, we can see her richness and share our spousal vocation.

Therefore, if a man does not respect, or welcome or care for wife wife, if he sees her as an object of his satisfaction, he is acting out of his own essence, because he is disobeying the sense of his existence and, therefore, no matter who he is, he will not be happy.

Have you seen any man who is happy in life, that uses or exposes a woman to psychological torture, verbal or physical assaults?

Gift of God the Father: Authority

Leader -a man should “Accept his responsibility of leading his wife and children by the correct and holy paths to reach Heaven. […] Lead her does not mean to be oppressor, attacker, centered on himself, which causes all follow his thinking. But symbolizes the sacrifice of himself for the welfare of the other. Often, the one who leads on a trip is the one who put takes upon himself as first any the risks they may encounter, precisely to ensure the lives of those who come after. He motivates and stimulates when necessary, but is alert to each one the different pace of each. I once read a book on spirituality, found a representation of what is this: […] ‘ When my father placed the ring on the finger from my mother, and the priest declared them husband and wife, our Lord gave my father what is like a curved stick of Light, it was a grace that God gives to man. It is a gift of God Father, the authority for this man driving the small herd that are the children born of this marriage, and also the duty to defend the marriage ‘ (Lv. ‘‘O livro da vida! Da ilusão à verdade’. POLO, Glória. Goiânia: América Ltda, 2009. p. 40) “.

The most profound vocation of man is to be a father

Paternity – the most profound vocation of man is being a father. He is born and developed for it.The man, with all that belongs to him – his gifts, talents and abilities, all his knowledge, practice and technique that acquires, everything that develops during his life –only  finds fulfillment if channel all to exercise their parenthood.

Generally, it is the father figure who teaches his son how to ride a bike safely and not to fall, letting go when he sees he acquired balance, although the small one don’t trust himself. The child experiences the pleasure of being challenged by these occasions and by achieving small victories. It is also the father who, for the most part, plays asking the son to jump high any time who holds him in his lap. 

All this is registered in the child’s head as: “you can do it”, “I believe in you”, “There is something with the child, someone to look over him, even when he feels alone in the challenge”.

In pre-adolescence or youth, it is also common to teach how the world works, or even to teach a trade to his son. Jesus learned to be a carpenter from his father Joseph.

If a parent doesn’t like work, is an adulterer or cultivates vices, his child will follow his example or will stand “up in arms” against him.

Afetividade Masculina

Every man needs a fight

Confrontation -“the basic substrate of human being is on femininity, and the male, to develop, must emerge through an effort”. This is biologically, mentally and spiritually real.

Biological, because the embryo initially is feminine. If you go in a linear manner, that is, as has been happening since the embryo development at fertilization, the child will be born a girl. For a boy, there is a chemical revolution. Not that there aren’t male properties, the Y chromosome is there, but needs to be activated in this revolution.

Psychic, because both the boy as a girl are created for mom; Consequently, they get more time with her. The girls are in harmony with the mother and develop into the female. The boy needs to get away from the world of mother and, to walk away, he becomes a man.

Spiritually, because “the man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife”.

Since we the time we are young we authenticate our manhood – compete among ourselves, we challenge ourselves, we impose conditions, rites of passage to be accepted and we accept each other.

Every man needs to have something to fight for. The ultimate prize, the victory will be the consequence of what we acquire during the battle. Therefore, the great mission is to be welcoming, male drivers and paternal, face the world as the front line.

That great grace is the third of the Men. From the simple prayer, but made with the heart, it can reveal and authenticate all those characteristics that God already deposited in us.

I can’t reiterate enough that this movement is the initiative of our Lady, the woman who raised Jesus and want to form, generate in us features, infuse within us the same spirit of her divine son.Christ is the model of man who frequents the Rosary Men.

Sandro Arquejada

Sandro Arquejada’s is a missionary for the Canção Nova Community. He holds a degree in business administration from the Salesian College of Lins (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Currently he works in the sector of new technologies of TV Canção Nova. He is the author of the book “Maria, humana como nós” [“Maria, human like us”] and “As cinco fases do namoro” [“The Five Phases of Courtship”. He is also a columnist for the Canção Nova Portal, in addition to writing for some secular media.

Portuguese version