Thiago Tome. Photo: Wesley Almeida/cancaonova.com
The meditated Word is in Saint John 4: 39-40: “Many Samaritans from that town believed in Jesus because of the word of the woman who testified: ” He told me everything that I did. The Samaritans went to him and asked him to stay with them; and he remained there two days. Many others still believed because of his word, and even said to the woman: ‘ it’s no longer because of what you said that we believe, because we hear for ourselves and we know that this is truly the savior of the world ‘ “.
Imagine that you’re doing your chores of everyday life and Jesus begins to talk to you about your life. That’s a first!
The Samaritan woman said: “I know that Messiah will come when it comes, we will know all things.” Jesus said to him: “it’s me, I’m talking to you” (John 4, 25-26). A few times we see in Scripture Jesus say: “that’s me!”.
Have you experienced being with Jesus?
My first encounter with the Lord was when I was 13 years old. On that date, I was impacted, and even as a teenager, I felt the presence of God in me. At that meeting, they asked me which career I would like to follow; amid so many responses that I got, the only one I could give, for sure, is that I would like to serve God.
What is this that comes from Heaven?
The Samaritans and Jews didn’t get along, but Jesus broke a cultural barrier. That woman’s encounter with Christ, was so impactful , she came out screaming to everyone who had lived. That excitement, she just knew that God had shown him everything he did. “Come see a man who told me everything I did” (John 4.29). The woman proclaimed, and the Samaritans wanted to get closer to Jesus, they wanted to be near to him.
If there are limits in your life, know that Jesus is with you and He goes beyond the boundaries of your heart!

Pilgrims take part Thursday of worship in the new song. Photo: Wesley Almeida/cancaonova.com
How long you has it been that you have not heard the voice of God?
Perhaps, in your rush, you don’t live the experience of stopping to have a meeting alone with Jesus. Live this moment, understand a God that wants to be with you and hear you.
You can have an experience with God and bear witness to it every day. But you have to be patient, because it’s the right time for each thing. That woman had no awareness that Someone heard his cries and pain; and, many times, you feel like it, so I need to know that there is a God who hears and knows everything that you pass. There is much new in the Lord, you just have to know.
Do people like to be close to you?
Nobody wants to be around someone who just murmurs. We draw people closer when we take them to the good things and the news of God.
Do you know what is best for each person? They need to experience that, in fact, there is a God who’s cares about them. Just as Jesus was a something new to the Samaritan woman, He has to be the same for you too!
There was a transformation in that woman’s life, and then she attracted many people. See the newness of God has more strength than your sin, than the wrong life you lead. What you witness about God changes everything! Take that news to your family.
Thiago Tomé
Canção Nova Missionary