We are not alone! In the midst of sorrows and joys, the Lord is always with us. Trust in him and with courage, we continue to walk in God
Márcio Mendes motivates us to put our hope in God, trusting and believing that we are not alone, as he walks with us.
The word we meditate upon is in Isaiah 41.10 -14:
“Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not aside, for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and have helped thee, and the right hand of my just one hath upheld thee.
Behold all that fight against thee shall be confounded and ashamed, they shall be as nothing, and the men shall perish that strive against thee. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find the men that resist thee: they shall be as nothing: and as a thing consumed the men that war against thee. For I am the Lord thy God, who take thee by the hand, and say to thee: Fear not, I have helped thee.Fear not, thou worm of Jacob, you that are dead of Israel: I have helped thee, says the Lord: and your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel.” (D-R)
Many times we suffer, not because God does not act in our favor, but because we do not understand how he acts in our life. This happens because we lack intimacy with his word. We meditate on it to understand what the Lord tells us.
During every day of our life, we deal with painful situations, which make us suffer; and there’s nothing to stop us from living this suffering. However, the Lord offers us his presence and pours His strength upon us, putting himself beside us in our struggles.
To be winning men and women, the Lord, through His word makes us traverse a path of deliverance and salvation. To experience happiness, trust God and let the Holy Spirit dismantle everything that keeps us from walking.
How many of us are hostages of fear by situations that hurt us in the past. Let the Holy Spirit touch the wounds of our hearts, we put our lives in the hands of the Lord and let enter into our hearts.
When we suffer a pain too great, it is our instinct didn’t let anyone touch where it hurts. But even if it hurts and we cry, let the Lord lay his hands on our pain.
At the peak of a great suffering, it may be that the feeling of loneliness can take care of us and we think: “the Lord has forsaken me”. Christ experienced the loneliness in his agony, but God the father sent an Angel to comfort him. We are not alone, and the Lord doesn’t send us an Angel, but comes personally next to us, comforting us and giving us the strength to fight.
The antidote to take the destructive character of suffering is the presence of God. When we’re suffering, let us turn to the Lord. Don’t face your pain alone. You don’t want us to be lonely and has promised to be with us whenever we need Him. We may be missing a lot of things in our lives, but the presence of God will never fail us. Courage! We trust in God.
Márcio Mendes
Canção Nova Community mission