Are we creating false, alternative families, like coins without value. Creating a counterfeit currency is a crime, because it devalues the real material.
Children are the fruit of couples, because God told the couple: “be fruitful and multiply”. It’s an order from the Father, not an alternative.
Photo: Daniel Mafra/
The first dimension of the couple is to grow. The woman has to grow because of her husband she has to be happier because of him; and the husband needs to grow because of his wife, he has to be happy for her. The marriage begins to fail when one is not the other growing for the other. I’m sure, in eternity, God will tell many women: “thank you very much, because I gave you a difficult man, without faith, but you changed the life of my son, you made him mature, go to glory”. The Lord will also say to many men: “I gave you a complicated woman, but you made her mature”. That’s the beauty of the wedding, see each other grow.
The education of the children if the couple’s love
When a couple loves each other in truth, educating the children is easy, because the example overflows for them. Educate the children for life, but if this couple is always fighting, and they do not pray; it will be difficult to educate the little ones.
Today, many young people do not want to get married because of the example of their parents.So, we cannot pass onto the children the negative image of marriage. Marriage is God’s work. “No man may put asunder what God has joined,” said Jesus. Because we love children, we need to live well, they have to be motivation for us to overcome the difficulties as couples.
What is the best way to fix the other?
Pray for the person before pointing out a flaw. Point out first the quality, choose the right time to talk, do not correct in front of the others and correct with affection, with sweet words, do not humiliate them in front of others. Don’t dig up past mistakes, we all have them.
Sometimes, in a fight, we play with past mistakes that hurt others. Don’t be careless with your beloved.When the husband comes, you have to stop what you are doing and receive him. Irrigate your marriage. Learn to ask for forgiveness and forgive: “I was wrong, I won’t do that”. We all make mistakes and we’re entitled to be forgiven, but we must ask forgiveness too. It takes two to tango.The best education we give to the children is our life.
Parents who love their children correct them. God gave authority to the parents for correct them because all paternity comes from the Lord, says the apostle. No need to use violence or offensive words; correct with love, or later, you won’t be able to raise them.
My father always said, “don’t do anything against your conscience, it does not pay”. When we were in a difficult situation, he said: “persevere in the fire, the victory will be ours.” I had a wonderful father!
How to conquer?
For parents to give lessons to their children, they need to win them over. If you don’t win them over, they won’t listen to you. How to conquer a son? Giving him reason to be proud of you, a Holy pride. Give your children all the money they want? No! If that were so, the poor wouldn’t be able to win over their children. You do not conquer your children by giving them things, but when you are asked you may give to the child. Of course, we have to have a few things in the balance, within our financial condition, but that’s not what’s going to win a child over.
You need to have time for your children, spend your time with them, especially as a child until adolescence. “Ah! But have I things to do in the Church “. The Church needs come second, because you are a father, not a priest. God gives us long enough, we are not priests or nuns, we are moms and dads, we can’t leave our children to be in the care of our own father and mother. God wants us to take care of our children.
Don’t be afraid of life
Marriage is a sacred mission and a part of this mission is to educate the children to God. Much more important than creating a computer is to create a baby, a human being in the image and likeness of God. “The child is the most excellent gift of marriage” (CIC). John Paul II said: “don’t be afraid of life. Catholic couples are afraid of life, some for convenience, because a child costs money, takes work. Of course a child takes work!
Win over your child by giving yourself to him or her. You’re not going to spoil this child, but give a child what he or she needs receive: religious education, moral and intellectual. And this isn’t just for the young son or daughter.
When you have to call attention to your child, pray for him or her and scold in a quiet place, not in front of others. One thing we need to learn if the parent is wrong and he or she needs to apologize to the child.If you do not lose your authority, your child will love you more.
Before you take your children to God must win them over
Another thing that helps conquer the kids is to get them to God, but we will not achieve this without winning them over. There’s no point to taking them by the collar because they will just attend until they are 15 years old and then leave the Church. Before you tell your child “God loves you,” you have to say: “I love you”. He will feel the love of God from the love of the parents.
“The blessing of the father strengthens house their children, the curse of a mother rocks until the foundations” (Sirach 3.11). You need to bless your children.