The confession is a sacrament of healing
More and more people sought the healing of the soul, faithful have also shortened the time from one confession to the next. But you have to stay tuned because it is not enough to confess to several times, we must confess correctly. But how do we do it?
Well, confession is telling the truth, report something that was done; to confess means assume such an act. In the case of sacramental confession, it means the sins, errors committed against God’s commandments.
Four steps for a good confession
We can say that it takes four steps. In the first, the person must put himself in prayer, asking God for the grace of a sincere contrition; in the second: a good examination of conscience praying to remember what it was like to walk the path of holiness from the last confession to the present; then, go to the priest and confess. Finally, after the confession,do your penance.
So, the first step is to pray, pray to God asking for a heart repented of the evil done, because not always does one repent. Often, the conscience is slack, i.e. until you know you made a mistake, you cannot come the repentance. The prayer will be to ask God for the grace to be convince of the evil of the act and to repent.
Second step: It is important to make a good examination of conscience, i.e. take stock since your last confession about the wrongs committed. Right now, it is important to say that sin confessed is sin forgiven. If a sin has been confessed and not longer committed, it is not necessary to confess it again. Another interesting tip: If you have difficulties, afraid or ashamed to confess, do the following: make a note of your sins. This will help you and the priest.
The third step: get a Catholic priest, a priest linked to the Roman Catholic Church, as he received the Office to celebrate this sacrament by the authority of the Bishop who ordained and the local bishop. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Church in which the priest forgives sins.
Don’t worry: “what the priest is going to think of me?” or “the priest is a sinner like me!”. The priest will not be thinking that way. Imagine! If that were the case, we wouldn’t be able to live alone thinking about the evils of the human being. He receives the grace of welcome, hearing, giving a direction.By the laying on of the hands of the Apostles, by the grace of apostolic succession, the priests are employees of bishops, of the first apostles who gave this power to the other Apostles to reach today. Why confess? Because we believe in forgiveness and in the authority to forgive sins given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles (Jo -23 20.22). The priest is sinful, but is chosen;and regardless of their Holiness when he teaches and forgives sins, one is forgiven.
The fourth step: after confessing, the father gives some guidance. He might ask the faithful to say the Act of contrition; then, he gives penance. On the Act of contrition, there are long, others short and formulas that can also be prayed spontaneously. The priest usually gives some penance for the faithful can do reparation for teh evil; it can be a prayer, a gesture to that resumes holiness lost by sin. And if the priest does not give penance? (i.e. he forgot) Calm down! The confession is valid. Say a prayer and have the attitudes of a Christian, i.e., resume the life of the commandments, live life wondering how Jesus would be if he were in your place.
Don’t cheapen this the sacrament of confession
The confession is a blessing, so don’t cheapen this, don’t treat it any other way. Examine your conscience, confess and propose to sin no more. Be firm with yourself and pay attention to gaps that you leave the enemy. When one stops praying and watching, anyone becomes easy prey.
Pray your personal prayer, go to mass, your devotions and pray the Rosary. Watch. Am I in a good environment? Should I watch this program? Finally, as stated above, remember that it is not enough to confess many times, it is necessary to break away from sin. With the grace of God, continue ahead and have the goal of Holiness.

Father Marcio
Father Márcio del Prado, born in São José dos Campos (São Paulo) Brazil, is a priest in the Canção Nova community. Ordained on 20 December 2009, whose priestly motto is “do ye to them” (Mt 7.12), Father Márcio attended Philosophy in the Canção Nova Institute, in Cachoeira Paulista (SP); and theology at Mater Dei Institute, in Palmas (TO). Twitter: @padremarciocn