Charismatic Gifts, Our Enthusiasm

We need to assume and develop the charismatic gifts that we have

The gifts we receive is not for ourselves, but for others, for the Church. It is not we who use them for our own benefit, but to serve the children of God. The one who works miracles, cures, and gives us wisdom is the Holy Spirit.


Photo: Daniel Mafra/New Song

Like Jesus, we have a yearning within us to collaborate with the rescue of the people.

The new evangelization must be new courage, and boldness!
We need to assume a new enthusiasm, new charisma and ministries undertaken with fearlessness.

The slogan that St Paul gave Timothy is suitable for us today: “Reinflame the charism of God that is in you!” (2 Tim. 1.6).

More than ever, it’s time to reinflame the charism, to rekindle the flame that is in us, excite us again with the gifts that God gives us.


Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

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