The Holy Spirit does not want a weakened Church and tensed by the enemy
In truth, the Holy Spirit is already in you. It’s not a question of entitlement or degree of Holiness, how some think. You received the Holy Spirit at his baptism, in your confirmation.
With the Earth the same thing happens: at the bottom of her veins, sheets of water. It is necessary to drill through the Earth to reach them. As soon as this happens, the water rises. And for that to happen, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you have to just drill the rock that, unfortunately, is in each one of us. When the region where is the Holy Spirit is attained, He comes with full force: that’s what happened at Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit is, in particular, praise, worship, prayer. He is the God the fire of love, fire of praise. The word of God says: Those Apostles were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in a foreign language: a language that left everyone amazed. They were not speaking in foreign languages, but in a new, different language. It was the language of the Holy Spirit that would explode inside them in prayer.
What happened to the Apostles left many people amazed at Jerusalem. Some thought they were drunk, because they were praying in a different language, praying strangely, differently. For us, this is a necessity. Baptized in the Holy Spirit, we received also the grace to pray in a new language.
We are fighting a terrible spiritual warfare, and the weapon that God gives us against the evil spirits throughout the ares is precisely the prayer in tongues. It is the Holy Spirit himself praying in us. More still: He is praying and singing in the language of the angels. They pray and sing with us, reinforce our prayer, fight on our behalf. The angels have a spiritual view of the world that we, human beings, do not, because they are spirits. The great wonder is that, when you pray and sing in the language of the angels, they fight on your behalf. You must pray and sing in the language to which they [the angels] come and get the fight by his side. The damage is too great: prostitution, infidelity in marriage, alcoholism, drugs, gambling, violence …
The victory over these situations comes with the battle that the angels engage along our side.
Daniel Mafra/
To view your family freedom, you need powerful spiritual weapon. The spiritual weapon that God is giving you is the Holy Spirit, with all His gifts.
“Each one is given the gift of manifesting the spirit for the good of all. To this the spirit gives a message of wisdom, to another, one of knowledge, according to the same spirit; a the same spirit gives faith, the other the one spirit grants gifts of healing; the other, the power to operate miracles;the other, to prophesy; the other, to discern the spirits; the other yet, the gift of speaking in tongues; Anyway the other the gift to interpret. In fact, let’s make a comparison: the body is one, and yet has many members; but all members of the body, regardless of their number, form one body: the same happens with the Christ. Because we were all baptized into one spirit, to form one body, Jews or Greeks, slaves or free men, and we all drink of one Spirit “(1 Cor 12:7-10,12-13).
When a child is born, the first thing you want to know is if she is perfect. The child’s parents want the perfect child: when there lacks any of its organs. That painful when the child is born with any physical disability.
God does not want the body, which is your church, defective; on the contrary: he wants that all the members of the body are perfect. It is not enough to have ears, you need to hear. It is not enough to have eyes, you must see. It is not enough to have a mouth you need words. It is not enough to have feet, you need to walk. Not enough to have hands, you need to move them.
God does not want a weakened Church. If we have suffered so much, it is because the enemy has us tied up, blinded, deafened us, gagged and held our feet and our hands not to move or act: he has prevented the use of the gifts.
We’ve prevented too much! God does not want that. He wants the gifts of the Holy Spirit be in His body, which is the Church.
In our times, whoever prevents the gifts of the Holy Spirit does not understanding the will of God. And is necessary to be prudent care, it takes wisdom. However, precisely because it takes wisdom, the gift of wisdom, and to be prudent is to give weapons to the Christians, give “weapons” to the Church, not disarm her.Preventing the gifts today is to prevent the action of the Holy Spirit. God’s will is that the Church, which is the body of Christ, is not mutilated. As one cries over over a crippled child, Christ cries watching his Church in that State.
The Lord wants today that are all filled with the Holy Spirit, that all receive the gifts of the spirit, so that the Church is not “mutilated”, but is a perfect Church. Just like mom and dad want their perfect children, the Church needs to perfect children.
We can say:
Yes, God wants a perfect Church, with all the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. He wants his Church today, to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and manifest the gifts of the spirit not to be a mutilated Church.
And this, from the smallest gift, which is the gift of tongues . . . even the greatest gift, which is love.
Pray asking God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit:
Give me, o Lord, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
I need and to know that this is your will that I be filled with the Holy Spirit.
This spirit that the Church is one, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic.
For it to be renewed, holy, with all her”perfect” bodies, and not a “crippled” church.
Thank you very much, Lord, because I’m part of this church that has the Holy Spirit.
Article taken from the book “O Espírito sopra onde quer” (Canção Nova DAVI) “the spirit blows where He wishes” by Monsignor Jonas Abib.