PHN Is A Lifestyle Towards Holiness

Live the PHN is a sure path to holiness


Monsignor Jonas Abib. Photo: Yamin/

The powerful did wonders for me.” Often, Mary sang this truth. Can you imagine with what gratitude she sang that? That God, who is holy and Almighty, has done wonders for me! All I’m worth, it is because the Lord did  wonders for me.

The Carmelite Order spread all over the world, a wonderful way, a strict rule of deep prayer, in which the Carmelites could not have contact with the world;There is a grid the separating us. Why? For these women can be taken fully to God. They intercede for the world. Prayers do not stop, but spread throughout humanity. The Lord dwells in Mount Carmel and in each carmelite; and the sisters know that, so they have a great respect for the order to which they obey. They know that God dwells in Carmel.

Today is the day of our Lady of Mount Carmel, and the liturgy acknowledges that God dwelt in Mary.There in Nazareth, in a cave that exists, lived Mary.There came the Angel and had that conversation with her: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me his word“. The word became flesh and dwelt within. That child was only one cell inhabited by the Holy Spirit; It was Mary that generated, it was with her blood, with her flesh, so the liturgy chose this passage.

After nine months, was born the Savior, and the rest we know. It is a great grace for us! We have the Gospel, and according to him, Jesus was talking with people and his mother was outside, because there was no chance they can come close to Jesus. Then, they said, “look, your mother and your brothers are out there and want to talk to you“. Jesus answered: “Who is my mother?Who are my brothers? “.At first glance, it seems that he was neglecting His Mother. Our brothers think so too and they say that Mary wasn’t anything, because Jesus said so. But, in the continuation of the text, He says: “Behold my mother and my brothers, for whoever does the will of my father which is in heaven, this is my brother, my sister and my mother”. So, Mary was more than Mom, because no one did the Father’s will as she did.

Every Jew wanted to be mother, or the mother of the Messiah. If she not could be a mother, grandmother, that the Messiah were in their lineage. Every woman wanted this, and Mary, at that time, should jump for joy saying: “I am the one!”. But no! What she said was: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to his will”. Are you there, my brothers, the beauty! She is an example for us.

The first thing in our life, is doing the will of God. Say it with me: “the first thing in my life is doing, in all, the will of God, doing his will. This is the most important thing. “

Do the will of God

The first thing that needs to be done, to be in the will of God is to live in a State of grace. The PHN seeks just that. Why do PHN? “For today I will not sin”. Not to Sin today, tomorrow or later, we must be constantly in a State of grace. It has been said that: If you’re not in a State of grace, go to the confession.

Don Bosco was on the top floor of his congregation and heard their children downstairs and said: “my children, no one gets out of this retreat in sin. If you have any sin in your life, confess. “Don Bosco did this to the priests of his congregation because they wanted his priests to live the PHN and were always in a State of grace.

PHN is towards holiness

This is the will of God, our sanctification. Boyfriends and girlfriends must sanctify each other. When either the State of grace, sanctify each other. You groom, bride, husband and wife consecrate themselves, and this is the will of God.

You avoid the impurity, they each learn to possess his body and honestly, without getting carried away by the licentious passions like the heathen who do not know God. What a beauty! We will live this truth, my dear young people.

Fetch a priest and wash your soul in confession. A sanctification with out of a life of sexual debauchery. Don’t take “time”, saying that they are doing a “little thing” that you love each other.Actually, that’s not love.

I could do a whole lecture about what love is and what is not love, to prove that sex is not love.Although many boyfriends say, “honey, let’s make love?”, that’s not love, but indiscipline, is leaving the rails of grace and entering the track of doom. You go off the rails of the heavens and go onto the tracks from hell, so I speak with all the strength that I can talk to my 80 years.

Young people testify to chastity

These days, I passed by the television was on and talking about sex before marriage, because of the soap opera scene in which explicit sex appeared. The part I saw, were two young people who testify to chastity. They were so persuasive, that the public would look at them with admiration beautiful and not with strangeness. There was, next to them, a person who heard this  beautiful testimony and said he was Evangelical in childhood, but in Church, not taught about sex, and he learned nothing about chastity. He praised those youths who were witnessing to the beauty of chastity.

"Meus filhos, todos vocês precisam ser Jovens Sarados, porque a falta de castidade faz estrago na vida da pessoa, tira-a do caminho da santidade e a joga no caminho da perdição." Monsenhor Jonas Abib. Foto: Wesley Almeida/

“My sons and daugthers, all you need to be healed young people , because the lack of chastity does damage in a person’s life, takes her from the path of Holiness and puts her on the road to perdition.” Monsignor Jonas Abib.Photo: Yamin/

There was a time when I got carried away and the heart of father jumped strong because a guest of the programme said: “the father Edmilson Lopez teaches us”. The two young men were of the group Jovens Sarados [Healed Youth], so living in chastity. My heart fluttered, because of that. But television always puts both sides of the coin.

Soon after, he moved to the lady that had the mom next door, and the mother said: “I am against this, I do not accept that young people have sexual intercourse only in marriage, because it might not work.She was speaking about this lie, and the mother delivered over her daughter when she spoke a few words, because it was so obvious that she didn’t live the chastity, but had sex while dating.

I stayed with the program through the break, because the doctrine of her mother put on the wrong track. The mother was putting the child in the arms of her boyfriend and saying: “My daughter can experience sex, because it might not work out”.

My kids, all you need to beJovens Sarados (Healed Youth], because the lack of chastity does damage in a person’s life, takes her from the path of Holiness and the plays on the road to perdition.

I wrote the book ‘ PHN ‘ Generation the importance of this meaning: I will not sin today. As hard as it is, I cling to the walls, but not for today.

A girl would testify that, every time the car stopped in front of her house, they used to make out for she was on fire. But then [after learing PHN] Every time she and her boyfriend stopped the car in front of the House, she opened the car door to live the PHN. Nature is nature, our hormones work; so, every time she realized that the fire began, she opened the car door to be faithful to the PHN.

Chastity is not everything in a person’s life, but is necessary for a life in holiness. If your boyfriend didn’t live the chastity in dating, he is not going to live it in marriage, because the man is more dashing. Don’t fall into the trap of her boyfriend! If he asks you to prove your love, say no! It is father Jonas telling you to get out.

Dearly beloved, we are rushing the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our sanctity of life will hasten the coming of the Lord. So, fight for Holiness and purity. Live the PHN as motto of life.

Portuguese Transcription and adaption: Fernanda Soares

Portuguese Version