Regardless of our sins and failures, we must not give up in pursuit of the Eucharist and confession
Deacon Nelson Correa, on the program ‘ Sorrindo Pra Vida’ [‘Smiling at Life ‘], invites us to be the coming of the Lord. Even full of sins and unworthy, we should not back away from the presence of God.
The meditated Word is in Apocalypse 7.13 -14:
Then one of the Elders said to me, asking: “These, who are dressed in white robes, who are they and where did they come from?” I replied: “you know, my Lord.” He then said to me, “These are the ones that came through the great tribulation. They Washed whitened their robes in the blood of the lamb.
And who are these white robes?
All we are baptized, we are children of God. He knows who we are and what we have lived.
In Chapter 5.9 we read: “Sing a new song: ‘ you are worthy to receive the book and to open the seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased to God people of every tribe, language, people and nation”. No matter what their religion, ethnicity or language, the Lord came to save everyone.
There are some religions that don’t eat meat, because, in the old testament, the blood is considered life; and shedding blood, was taking a life, an act of revenge that was done by another. A death was Avenged when it drew blood.
We have been washed in the blood of the lamb. He died for us, to atone for our sins. By his blood we were justified, driven closer to God and reconciled with Him.
Christ is the blood of the new and everlasting Covenant
The blood of the new and everlasting Covenant calls for forgiveness with more force than that of the blood of Abel crying out for revenge. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy. The blood of Abel cried out for revenge, but the blood of Jesus cried out for forgiveness.
Faith goes through tribulations, hardships, pain and loss. Whatever the sufferings that we’ve been through, we must deliver them to God. Don’t deny Christ at the moment of pain or suffering, even if you don’t understand the sufferings that we experience. A faith, if not proved, is not faith.
The mass is the prayer that most pleases God
We know that, in the Mass, the Lord is there. Our white robes will be spotted along the way, and it is in the mass we are washed in the blood of the lamb. The one who comes to Christ is purified and redeemed.
We never deviate from the Eucharist and confession, because our sins cannot be greater than the love of God for us. Jesus accepts us and waits for us.
The song ‘ sacrament of Communion ‘ was born of that experience with God: “I do not receive because I deserve it, I know, o my Lord. I receive because I need you. When I missed mass, I ran away from you and me, but now I’m back, please take me. “
How many of us think we are too sinful and unworthy. Don’t let us stop drawing near to the Lord. Even if we are in Holy mass feeling beaten, defeated, needing love, that’s where we will be restored for him.
Deacon Nelsinho Correa
Canção Nova Community mission
Portuguese Transcription and adaptation: Ariele Silva