Through the Eucharist we are fed, healed and sent.
Jesus Christ the Savior, the master, Lord, presented humanity with the gift of His life. He instituted at the last supper, the Eucharist and the commandment of love (cf. Jn -20 13.1).
The Eucharist to the Church is everything, because that is what set off all the graces we need.Through the Eucharist we are healed and sent. And how are we healed? We’ve heard or read in the Gospel: “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you under my roof. Say the Word, and my servant will be healed “(Mt 8.8).
Being saved and being healed are synonymous in Scripture; the Lord brought forth healing, salvation in life that He created. At every Mass we often proclaim these words of the Centurion “I’m not worthy”. In fact, we are not worthy, but healing, Salvation, grace of God are gifts that He, in his benevolence, grants us.
When we say that the Eucharist is the source of healing, this means that the Lord Jesus, through this sacrament, can and performs the cures we need, restores us our spiritual health and, consequently, our physical strength is also invigorated. If we need healing, it’s because we’re sick, sick; and the one who is ill need nourishment. Typically, this is the case when you’re sick: we need to food to be cured. The bread from heaven, the Eucharist, that’s the food that makes us stronger and heals us.
The Holy Mass is also known as the Holy sacrifice of the Blood of the Lord. “If, as often as his blood is poured out, it is poured for the forgiveness of sins, I should always receive it, so that it may always forgive my sins. Because I always sin, I should always have a remedy.” (CCC 1393).
The importance of forgiveness in inner healing
The Eucharist is food, medicine, healing, forgiveness of venial sins, but does not erase the deadly sins. One who committed grievous sin needs the sacrament of confession. Let’s enjoy this blessing!If you, a long time ago, found yourself far from God, with many physical and spiritual diseases, come back to Him; make a good confession. If you don’t have catechesis, seek it out; that way, you will encounter more deeply the Eucharist, this great treasure, this remedy. Certainly your life will be better.
“The Eucharist is properly the sacrament of those who are in full communion with the Church.” (CIC 1395), seek communion with the Church, seek a Holy life.
The Eucharist is medicine for the sick and for the sinner. We always need healing, we need always to be fed. When we are United to Christ in the Eucharist, for sure we have the spiritual force to go on, we have hope. Even those who, for some reason, cannot receive Communion, join the Lord in my heart in Eucharistic adoration, pray with fervor and love, because also in worship we receive many graces. In fact, we received blessings of Lord through communion and Eucharistic adoration, but what we have received is to be transmitted and donated to others. We receive the cure not only to “look good”, we are blessed to be a blessing to each other, we are healed to be healing for another.