On the third day of the National Eucharistic Congress, the Cardinal of Sao Paulo, highlighted the role of lay people in society
The NewsRoom
On the third day of the National Eucharistic Congress, held in Belém , Paraná, one of the masses was presided over by the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer.
During his homily, the Cardinal made a reflection on the Eucharist and highlighted the role of laypeople in church.
Cardinal Odilo recalled the words of Saint John Paul II “the Eucharist makes the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist”, and explained that this sacrament is a mystery of faith which is connected to the mystery of the Church. In the celebration of the Eucharist, the faithful gather around of him who is the Foundation of the Church: Jesus Christ, he speaks and the faithful they instruct.
To start the reflection on the laity, the Cardinal pointed out that the Church is composed of all the baptized and disciples of Jesus missionaries, graced by the gift of faith. “The Church is the people of God”. The laity are those who in every place of common life take the testimony of Jesus Christ and in the Church, therefore, playinf an important role, he said; recalling that the laity are sent to be the salt of the Earth.
“They are also called to be a missionary force, giving testimony of handing on the faith, of the charity of God.” He argues that the celebration of the Eucharist is the time when we are in Christ and we received the grace of testimony.
Lay people in the Church
About the Gospel (MAT 16, 15) “Jesus said to them: ‘ and who, do you say that I am”? Cardinal Odilo pointed out that today too there are many answers to this question, but that this question is put to all and requires conviction of every Christian to answer it.
The Cardinal of Sao Paulo was keen to emphasize that the church relies on lay people, both in the work of parish communities as witnesses of Christ in the middle of society. He argues that the Church’s evangelizing work cannot depend on just a few. “Sometimes the testimony does not need words, but the works”.
The Mission of the lay faithful is grandiose and difficult, said Cardinal Odilo, and so requires spiritual vigor. But he emphasized that it is possible, as this force comes from Union with Christ and with the Church.
For him, without the Mission of the lay faithful the Church’s mission is reduced to four walls, and that’s all that the Church does not need. He recalls that Pope Francisco has insisted on a “Church of outside”
Finally, he directed to all who are not afraid to be Catholics in the midst of society. “Be vigilant and docile to the Holy Spirit and to the shepherds”.
When complete, Cardinal Odilo thanked and encouraged lay people of the Amazon region, saying they are a great missionary force present often in places where there is no ordained Ministers. “In the Eucharist, Christ strengthens us and sends us”.
The Brazilian National Eucharistic Congress ran from Monday August 15, until Sunday August, 21. The goal of the event is to make visible to the whole country the strength of the Eucharist and missionary activity in the Amazon.
With the theme “Eucharist and Sharing in the Amazon Missionary”, the event takes place in the year of the fourth centenary of the beginning of evangelization in the Amazon and the founding of the city of Santa Maria de Belém do Grão Pará.